Local Contact Person
Guests and users will have to register before coming to GSI / FAIR.
- Visitors of public events( Access for visitors)
- Participants of events organized at GSI/FAIR
- Internships (Praktika) without third-party funding, please contact Human Resources
- Apprentices / Trainees with a contract from GSI/FAIR
- People working for companies hired by GSI/FAIR (Fremdmitarbeiter)
- GSI Scholarships (Stipends); their point of contact is the International Cooperation Office
- Guests paid from GSI, i.e. that are on GSI payroll; their point of contact is the Human Resources Department.
Guests should register and upload the GSI / FAIR Home Institution or Self Declaration (and necessary documents). The Local Contact Person will check/complete and approve details in the online registration system.
The link scientists list appears on choosing "beamtime" as reason for visit in the registration form.
For those participating in GET_INvolved Programme please note - For questions Dr. Pradeep Ghosh.
Role of the Local Contact Person:
- Responsibility for the guest/user before and during their stay as well as when leaving GSI/FAIR
- Verification of Home Institute and data given by guests/users
- Provision of needed safety instructions, IT accounts, keys, etc.
- Counterpart for Welcome Office and other GSI/FAIR departments
- Contact persons will be listed in the online registration form incl. their department (visible outside GSI/FAIR)
Becoming a Local Contact Person:
If you are a department head, please write an email to welcome-office(at)gsi.de including:
- Name of the department - choose from the Organisation Unit List.
- If applicable, please propose deputies and secretaries/people to be informed (in cc) in your department.
If you are a NOT a department head, please send your request to:
- welcome-office(at)gsi.de
- cc your department head
How to approve a guest stay in GATE
If you have been selected as Local Contact Person and have received an email. Here is some help on how to approve a guest stay in GATE.
To be able to look at the guest overview in GATE you will need to log in with your Weblogin.
- Guest Overview for Local Contact Persons (go to Local Contact Tasks)
- Guest Overview for Departments
Information Meeting
If you (and others in your department) would like to have more detailed information on the registration process and other Welcome Office services, please send an email to welcome-office(at)gsi.de.