Privacy Policy External According To Art. 13 and 14 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH

  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for applicants: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH (Accelerator Radiation Protection) for all employees, externals and guests : English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for exhibitors: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for inventors: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH (Administrative IT) for all IT users: English
  • Privacy Policy of GSI GmbH for the IDM registration: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for participants in conferences: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for participants in "Evening with FAIR": English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for participants in the Summerstudent Program:  English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for participants in competitions: English
  • Privacy Policy of GSI GmbH for users of a Contact-Diary: English
  • Privacy Policy of GSI GmbH for users of the social media offers: English
  • Privacy Policy of GSI GmbH for users of the TARI form for Eurolabs: English 
  • Privacy Policy of GSI GmbH for users of the video platform "ZOOM": English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH from the Staff Management Board (GFS GSI): English
  • Privacy Policy of GSI GmbH for the Supervisory Board: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for suppliers and service providers: English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for visitors to the Website "Indico": English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for guests at the Welcome Office (WEO): English
  • Privacy policy of GSI GmbH for participants in surveys in "LamaPoll": English

FAIR - Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

  • Privacy policy of FAIR GmbH for suppliers and service providers: English
  • Privacy policy of FAIR GmbH for the Staff Management Board (GFS FAIR): English
  • Privacy policy of FAIR GmbH for participants in conferences: English
  • Privacy policy of FAIR GmbH for applicants: English
  • Privacy Policy of FAIR GmbH for users of the video platform "ZOOM": English
  • Privacy Policy of FAIR GmbH for users of a Contact-Diary: English
  • Privacy Policy of FAIR GmbH for the IDM registration: English
  • Privacy Policy of FAIR GmbH for users of the social media offers: English

Privacy Policy internal
