Useful links
Public transportation
Bahn.de (German railway)
- Call a bike From May 5th, one of the call-a-bike stations will be on the GSI campus. Call a bike Darmstadt is part of a nationwide bicycle rental network, in Darmstadt itself a network with about 50 stations where bicycles can be borrowed and returned is available. Several stations/S-Bahn stations are connected (main station, Wixhausen station, North Station ...) Institutions/ Companies TU-Darmstadt, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences, Merck ...The offer is particularly interesting for spontaneous use in combination with public transport. The station will initially be set up as a test station with 6 bicycles in the parking lot next to the gate for a period of 3 years.Registration takes place via the website https://www.callabike.de/en/register
RMV.de (public transportation in the county of Hesse)
Information about Tickets for Public Transport
As of Thursday September 1st 2022 all new citizens of Darmstadt, will be able to apply for the so called “Klima-Ticket”. You should get a voucher when you register as a new citizen at the city hall. This voucher will have to be submitted at the service desk of the public transportation company “rmv” at Luisenplatz 6 in return of the public transportation ticket. The ticket is valid for 3 months and only to be used in zone 4000. More information – in German - here: https://www.darmstadt.de/klimaticket
(General) information about Darmstadt (and Wixhausen)
Registration in Darmstadt "How to register correctly"
Where to register in Wixhausen
Foreigner's registration Office Darmstadt - Online Services - including application forms for initial and extending residence permits
Foreigner's registration Office in Darmstadt - containing flyer with general information and for students from outside the European Union
Calendar of events in Darmstadt
Umweltzone Darmstadt (in German)
To open a personal bank account in Germany, you should provide:
- A valid passport with a current German residence permit
- Proof of registration at city hall
- Proof of income/employment (for example pay slips)
- Tax-Number (you will get it by mail -Deutsche Post- approximately 1 week after your registration at city hall)
General information about living in Germany
HowtoGermany.com ( everything you need to know about living and working in Germany as a foreigner)
Just landed (Just Landed helps you manage everyday life. Our Germany Guide covers topics like visas, housing, jobs and finance)
Information from the federal government (living in Germany)
Studying in Germany (combination of articles related to living in Germany such as working and internships, accommodation and renting, cost of living, German culture, and more)
Euraxess network for Researchers in motion
Research-in-germany (Describes the German research landscape and provides you with contacts to institutions and networks)
How to find doctors in the area (in German)