Contribution to a conference proceedings/Contribution to a book
2002 Exotic Nuclei - EXON-2001 - Proceedings of the International Symposium - World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore, 2002. - ISBN 9789812380258 - doi:10.1142/9789812777300_0043 Exotic Nuclei - EXON-2001 - International Symposium , Lake Baikal Lake Baikal , Russia , 24 Jul 2001 - 28 Jul 20012001-07-24 2001-07-28
Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. Singapore 567-595 (2002 ) [10.1142/9789812777300_0043 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings/Journal Article
Ohtsubo, T. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Beller, P. GSI * ; Fästermann, T. ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Hellstrom, M. GSI * ; Kienle, P. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Livitnov, Y. ; Maier, L. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. GSI * ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Shishkin, V. GSI * ; Stadlmann, J. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Stöhlker, T. GSI * ; Sümmer, K. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Winkler, M. GSI *
Direct Observation of Bound State Beta Decay of Bare $^{207}Tl$ at FRS-ESR
2002 10th Yukawa International Seminar on Physics of Unstable Nuclei , Kyoto Kyoto , Japan , 5 Nov 2001 - 10 Nov 20012001-11-05 2001-11-10
Progress of theoretical physics / Supplement 146 , 493 - 497 (2002 ) [10.1143/PTPS.146.493 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings/Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Münzenberg, G.
Physics with Stored Exotic Nuclei at GSI
2002 10th Yukawa International Seminar on Physics of Unstable Nuclei , Kyoto Kyoto , Japan , 5 Nov 2001 - 10 Nov 20012001-11-05 2001-11-10
Progress of theoretical physics / Supplement 146 , 49 - 59 (2002 ) [10.1143/PTPS.146.49 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Gilg, H. ; Gillitzer, A. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Hirenzaki, S. ; Itahashi, K. ; Iwasaki, M. ; Kienle, P. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schott, W. ; Suzuki, K. ; Tomono, D. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Yamazaki, T. ; Yoneyama, T.
Deeply bound 1s and 2p pionic states in $^{205}Pb$ and effective pion mass in nuclear matter
2002 NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21st CENTURY:International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC 2001 , Berkeley. California (USA) Berkeley. California (USA) , USA , 30 Jul 2001 - 3 Aug 20012001-07-30 2001-08-03
New York, NY : AIP 1019 - 1023 (2002 ) [10.1063/1.1470275 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Stolz, A. (Corresponding author) ; Faestermann, T. ; Schneider, R. ; Wefers, E. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Friese, J. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. ; Kienle, P. ; Körner, H.-J. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Thirolf, P. ; Weick, H. GSI *
Decay studies of N≈Z nuclei from $^{78}Y$ to $^{102}Sn$
2002 NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN THE 21st CENTURY:International Nuclear Physics Conference INPC 2001 , Berkeley. California (USA) Berkeley. California (USA) , USA , 30 Jul 2001 - 3 Aug 20012001-07-30 2001-08-03
New York, NY : AIP, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 610 , 728 - 732 (2002 ) [10.1063/1.1470024 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Stolz, A. (Corresponding author) ; Faestermann, T. ; Schneider, R. ; Wefers, E. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Friese, J. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. ; Kienle, P. GSI * ; Körner, H.-J. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. ; Thirolf, P. ; Weick, H. GSI *
Investigation of the Gamow-Teller strength near the doubly-magic nucleus $^{100}Sn$
2002 MAPPING THE TRIANGLE: International Conference on Nuclear Structure , Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (USA) Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming (USA) , USA , 22 May 2002 - 25 May 20022002-05-22 2002-05-25
New York, NY : AIP, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 638 , 259 - 260 (2002 ) [10.1063/1.1517981 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Gilg, H. ; Gillitzer, A. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Hirenzaki, S. ; Itahashi, K. ; Iwasaki, M. ; Kienle, P. GSI * ; Münch, M. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schott, W. ; Suzuki, K. ; Tomono, D. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Yamazaki, T. ; Yoneyama, T.
Deeply bound 1s and 2p pionic states in $^{205}Pb$ and effective pion mass in nuclear matter
2002 HADRON SPECTROSCOPY: Ninth International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy , Protvino (Russia) Protvino (Russia) , Russia , 25 Aug 2001 - 1 Sep 20012001-08-25 2001-09-01
New York, NY : AIP, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 619 , 749 - 752 (2002 ) [10.1063/1.1482532 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Chichkine, V. (Corresponding author) ; Winkler, A. ; Behr, K.-H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Kalimov, A. ; Li, G. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Strong pulsed magnetic quadrupole lens
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 12 (1 ), 699 - 702 (2002 ) [10.1109/TASC.2002.1018497 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Cortina-Gil, D. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Markenroth, K. ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Baumann, T. ; Benlliure, J. ; Borge, M. J. G. ; Chulkov, L. V. GSI * ; Datta Pramanik, U. GSI * ; Fernandez-Vazquez, J. ; Forssén, C. ; Fraile, L. M. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Gerl, J. GSI * ; Hammache, F. GSI * ; Itahashi, K. ; Janik, R. ; Jonson, B. ; Karlsson, S. ; Lenske, H. ; Mandal, S. GSI * ; Meister, M. ; Mocko, X. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Ohtsubo, T. GSI * ; Ozawa, A. ; Parfenova, Y. ; Pribora, V. ; Riisager, K. ; Scheit, H. ; Schneider, R. ; Schmidt, K. GSI * ; Schrieder, G. ; Simon, H. ; Sitar, B. ; Stolz, A. ; Strmen, P. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Szarka, I. ; Wan, S. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Zhukov, M.
Experimental evidence for the $^8B$ ground state configuration
Physics letters / B 529 (1-2 ), 36 - 41 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0370-2693(02)01245-5 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Pfützner, M. ; Badura, E. GSI * ; Bingham, C. ; Blank, B. ; Chartier, M. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Giovinazzo, J. ; Grigorenko, L. V. GSI * ; Grzywacz, R. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Janas, Z. ; Kurcewicz, J. ; Lalleman, A. S. ; Mazzocchi, C. GSI * ; Mukha, I. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Plettner, C. GSI * ; Roeckl, E. GSI * ; Rykaczewski, K. P. ; Schmidt, K. ; Simon, R. S. GSI * ; Stanoiu, M. ; Thomas, J. -.
First evidence for the two-proton decay of $^{45}Fe$
The European physical journal / A 14 (3 ), 279 - 285 (2002 ) [10.1140/epja/i2002-10033-9 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Scheidenberger, C. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Pshenichnov, I. GSI * ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Datz, S. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Bondorf, J. ; Boutin, D. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grafström, P. ; Knudsen, H. ; Krause, H. ; Lommel, B. GSI * ; Møller, S. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schuch, R. ; Uggerhøj, E. ; Uggerhøj, U. ; Vane, C. ; Ventura, A. ; Vilakazi, Z. ; Weick, H. GSI *
Electromagnetically Induced Nuclear-Charge Pickup Observed in Ultrarelativistic Pb Collisions
Physical review letters 88 (4 ), 042301 (2002 ) [10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.042301 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Meister, M. (Corresponding author) ; Markenroth, K. ; Aleksandrov, D. ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Baumann, T. GSI * ; Borge, M. J. G. ; Chulkov, L. V. ; Cortina-Gil, D. GSI * ; Eberlein, B. ; Elze, T. W. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Jonson, B. ; Kratz, J. V. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Mukha, I. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Nilsson, T. ; Nyman, G. ; Pfützner, M. GSI * ; Pribora, V. ; Richter, A. ; Riisager, K. ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schrieder, G. ; Simon, H. ; Tengblad, O. ; Zhukov, M. V.
$^8He–^6He$: a comparative study of electromagnetic fragmentation reactions
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 700 (1-2 ), 3 - 16 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01305-7 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI *
Present and future experiments with stored exotic nuclei at relativistic energies
The European physical journal / A 13 (1-2 ), 247 - 253 (2002 ) [10.1140/epja1339-42 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Datta Pramanik, U. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Boretzky, K. ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Elze, T. W. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grünschloß, A. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Ilievski, S. ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Kratz, J. V. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Reiter, P. ; Rejmund, M. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Simon, H. ; Stroth, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wajda, E. ; Walus, W.
Measurement of the dipole response of neutron-rich nuclei in the A∼20 region
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 701 (1-4 ), 199 - 203 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01574-3 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Ozawa, A. (Corresponding author) ; Baumann, T. GSI * ; Chulkov, L. ; Cortina, D. ; Datta, U. GSI * ; Fernandez, J. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hammache, F. GSI * ; Itahashi, K. ; Ivanov, M. ; Janik, R. ; Kato, T. ; Kimura, K. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Markenroth, K. ; Meister, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Ohtsubo, T. ; Ohya, S. ; Okuda, T. ; Ogloblin, A. A. ; Pribora, V. ; Sekiguchi, M. ; Sitár, B. ; Strmen, P. ; Sugimoto, S. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Suzuki, T. ; Tanihata, I. ; Yamaguchi, Y.
Measurements of the interaction cross sections for Ar and Cl isotopes
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 709 (1-4 ), 60 - 72 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01071-0 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Egelhof, P. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Alkhazov, G. D. ; Andronenko, M. N. ; Bauchet, A. ; Dobrovolsky, A. V. ; Fritz, S. GSI * ; Gavrilov, G. E. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Gross, C. GSI * ; Khanzadeev, A. V. ; Korolev, G. A. ; Kraus, G. GSI * ; Lobodenko, A. A. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Mutterer, M. ; Neumaier, S. R. GSI * ; fer, T. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Seliverstov, D. M. ; Timofeev, N. A. ; Vorobyov, A. A. ; Yatsoura, V. I.
Nuclear-matter distributions of halo nuclei from elastic proton scattering in inverse kinematics
The European physical journal / A 15 (1-2 ), 27 - 33 (2002 ) [10.1140/epja/i2001-10219-7 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Pfützner, M. (Corresponding author) ; Badura, E. GSI * ; Grzywacz, R. ; Janas, Z. ; Momayezi, M. ; Bingham, C. ; Blank, B. ; Chartier, M. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Giovinazzo, J. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Kurcewicz, J. ; Lalleman, A. S. ; Mazzocchi, C. GSI * ; Mukha, I. GSI * ; Plettner, C. GSI * ; Roeckl, E. GSI * ; Rykaczewski, K. P. ; Schmidt, K. ; Simon, R. S. ; Stanoiu, M. ; Thomas, J. -.
Charged-particle spectroscopy in the microsecond range following projectile fragmentation
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / A 493 (3 ), 155 - 164 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0168-9002(02)01567-X ] 2002
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Journal Article
Faestermann, T. (Corresponding author) ; Schneider, R. ; Stolz, A. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wefers, E. ; Friese, J. ; Geissel, H. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Kienle, P. ; Körner, H. -. ; Mineva, M. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Schmidt, K. GSI * ; Thirolf, P. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Zeitelhack, K.
Decay studies of N ≈ Z nuclei from $^{75}Sr$ to $^{102}Sn$
The European physical journal / A 15 (1-2 ), 185 - 188 (2002 ) [10.1140/epja/i2001-10251-7 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Neumaier, S. R. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Alkhazov, G. D. ; Andronenko, M. N. ; Dobrovolsky, A. V. ; Egelhof, P. GSI * ; Gavrilov, G. E. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Irnich, H. GSI * ; Khanzadeev, A. V. ; Korolev, G. A. ; Lobodenko, A. A. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Mutterer, M. ; Schwab, W. GSI * ; Seliverstov, D. M. ; Suzuki, T. GSI * ; Timofeev, N. A. ; Vorobyov, A. A. ; Yatsoura, V. I.
Small-angle proton elastic scattering from the neutron-rich isotopes $^6He$ and $^8He$, and from $^4He$, at 0.7 GeV in inverse kinematics
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 712 (3-4 ), 247 - 268 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(02)01274-5 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Gilg, H. ; Gillitzer, A. ; Hayano, R. ; Hirenzaki, S. ; Itahashi, K. ; Iwasaki, M. ; Kienle, P. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schott, W. ; Suzuki, K. ; Tomono, D. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Yamazaki, T. ; Yoneyama, T.
Deeply Bound 1s and 2p Pionic States in $^{205}Pb$ and Determination of the s-Wave Part of the Pion-Nucleus Interaction
Physical review letters 88 (12 ), 122301 (2002 ) [10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.122301 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Meister, M. (Corresponding author) ; Markenroth, K. ; Aleksandrov, D. ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Axelsson, L. ; Baumann, T. ; Borge, M. ; Chulkov, L. ; Dostal, W. ; Eberlein, B. ; Elze, T. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Forssén, C. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Jonson, B. ; Kratz, J. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Mukha, I. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Nilsson, T. ; Nyman, G. ; Richter, A. ; Riisager, K. ; Scheidenberger, C. ; Schrieder, G. ; Simon, H. ; Tengblad, O. ; Zhukov, M.
Evidence for a New Low-Lying Resonance State in $^7He$
Physical review letters 88 (10 ), 102501 (2002 ) [10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.102501 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI *
In-flight spectrometers status and new developments
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 701 (1-4 ), 259 - 264 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)01594-9 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Weick, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Sørensen, A. H. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Chichkine, V. GSI * ; Elisseev, S. ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Irnich, H. ; Litvinov, Y. GSI * ; Lommel, B. GSI * ; Maier, M. GSI * ; Matoš, M. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nankov, N. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Schwab, W. GSI * ; Stöhlker, T. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Voss, B. GSI *
Energy-loss straggling of (200–1000) MeV/u uranium ions
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 193 (1-4 ), 1 - 7 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0168-583X(02)00718-8 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Gilg, H. ; Gillitzer, A. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Hirenzaki, S. ; Itahashi, K. ; Iwasaki, M. ; Kienle, P. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schott, W. ; Suzuki, K. ; Tomono, D. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Yamazaki, T. ; Yoneyama, T.
Experimental indication of a reduced chiral order parameter from the 1s π− state in $^{205}Pb$
Physics letters / B 549 (1-2 ), 64 - 71 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0370-2693(02)02864-2 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Bimbot, R. ; Gardès, D.
Experimental studies of heavy-ion slowing down in matter
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 195 (1-2 ), 3 - 54 (2002 ) [10.1016/S0168-583X(02)01311-3 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Stolz, A. (Corresponding author) ; Faestermann, T. ; Friese, J. ; Kienle, P. ; Körner, H.-J. ; Münch, M. ; Schneider, R. ; Wefers, E. ; Zeitelhack, K. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Gerl, J. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Simon, R. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. ; Mineva, M. ; Thirolf, P.
Projectile fragmentation of $^{112}Sn$ at $E_{lab}$=1 A GeV
Physical review / C 65 (6 ), 064603 (2002 ) [10.1103/PhysRevC.65.064603 ] 2002
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Journal Article
Leistenschneider, A. (Corresponding author) ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Boretzky, K. ; Canto, L. ; Carlson, B. ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Datta Pramanik, U. GSI * ; Elze, T. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grünschloss, A. ; Helariutta, K. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Hussein, M. ; Ilievski, S. GSI * ; Jones, K. GSI * ; Kratz, J. ; Kulessa, R. ; Khiem, L. ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Palit, R. ; Reiter, P. ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schmidt, K.-H. GSI * ; Simon, H. ; Wajda, E. ; Walús, W. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI *
Fragmentation of unstable neutron-rich oxygen beams
Physical review / C 65 (6 ), 064607 (2002 ) [10.1103/PhysRevC.65.064607 ] 2002
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Contribution to a conference proceedings/Book
Pramanik, U. D. (Corresponding author) ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Cortina, D. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellstrom, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Iwasa, N. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Rejmund, M. ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Summerer, K. GSI * ; Elze, T. W. ; Grunschloss, A. ; Ilievski, S. ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Boretzky, K. GSI * ; Kratz, J. V. ; Kulessa, R. ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Wajda, E. ; Walus, W. ; Reiter, P. ; Simon, H.
Structure studies of light neutron-rich nuclei
2001 International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics: Celebrating the career of Peter von Brentano International Symposium on Nuclear Structure Physics , NP , Göttingen Göttingen , Germany , 5 Mar 2001 - 8 Mar 20012001-03-05 2001-03-08
261 - 266 (2001 ) 2001
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Journal Article
Savard, G. (Corresponding author) ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Dendooven, P. ; Van Duppen, P. ; Elisseev, S. ; Faestermann, T. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. ; Hellstroem, M. ; Jiang, C. L. ; Kaza, E. ; Kindler, B. GSI * ; Litvinov, Y. GSI * ; Lommel, B. GSI * ; Maier, M. GSI * ; Morrissey, D. ; Muenzenberg, C. ; Nolen, J. A. ; Ohtsubo, T. ; Sherrill, B. ; Shishkin, V. ; Sprouse, G. D. ; Suemmerer, K. ; Tanihata, I. ; Wada, M. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Weidenmueller, M. ; Zabransky, B. J.
Development of a gas-catcher system to stop relativistic ions at GSI
Abstracts of papers 222 (12 ), U15 (2001 ) 2001
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Contribution to a conference proceedings/Journal Article
Leistenschneider, A. (Corresponding author) ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Boretzky, K. ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Cub, J. ; Data Pramanik, U. GSI * ; Dostal, W. ; Elze, T. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grunschloss, A. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Ilievski, S. ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Kaspar, M. GSI * ; Kleinbohl, A. ; Kratz, J. ; Kulessa, N. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Reiter, P. ; Rejmund, M. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. ; Simon, H. ; Stroth, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wajda, E. ; Walus, W. ; Wan, S. GSI *
Electromagnetic excitation of neutron-rich oxygen nuclei $^{17-22}O$
2001 XXXVth Zakopane School of Physics on Trends in Nuclear Physics , Zakopane Zakopane , Poland , 5 Sep 2000 - 13 Sep 20002000-09-05 2000-09-13
Acta physica Polonica / B 32 (3 ), 1095 - 1098 (2001 ) 2001
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Radon, T. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Novikov, Y. N. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Beha, T. ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Eickhoff, H. GSI * ; Falch, M. ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Fujita, Y. ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Herfuth, F. GSI * ; Irnich, H. GSI * ; Jung, H. C. ; Kerscher, T. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kluge, H.-J. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Litvinov, Y. GSI * ; Löbner, K. E. G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Patyk, Z. ; Reich, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schwab, W. GSI * ; Schlitt, B. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wapstra, A. H. ; Winkler, T. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Schottky mass measurements of cooled nuclei mass landscape of the new area of neutron-deficient sub-uranium nuclides
Darmstadt : GSI 60 Seiten (2001 ) 2001
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Journal Article
Mandal, S. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Gerl, J. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hauschild, K. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Janas, Z. GSI * ; Kojouharov, I. GSI * ; Kopatch, Y. GSI * ; Lemmon, R. GSI * ; Mayet, P. GSI * ; Podolyak, Z. GSI * ; Regan, P. GSI * ; Schaffner, H. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Simpson, J. GSI * ; Wollersheim, H.-J. GSI *
Gamma-ray spectroscopy with relativistic exotic heavy-ions
Pram¯ana 57 (1 ), 161 - 164 (2001 ) [10.1007/s12043-001-0167-9 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Pramanik, U. D. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Rejmund, M. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Leistenschneider, A. GSI * ; Elze, T. W. GSI * ; Grünschloss, A. GSI * ; Ilievski, S. GSI * ; Boretzky, K. GSI * ; Kratz, J. V. GSI * ; Kulessa, R. GSI * ; Lubkiewicz, E. GSI * ; Wajda, E. GSI * ; Walus, W. GSI * ; Reiter, P. GSI * ; Simon, H. GSI *
Structure of light neutron-rich nuclei through coulomb dissociations
Pram¯ana 57 (2-3 ), 535 - 544 (2001 ) [10.1007/s12043-001-0060-6 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Ruzicka, J. (Corresponding author) ; Hrmo, A. ; Krupa, L. ; Saro, S. ; Fajnor, V. ; Jesenak, K. ; Kuchta, L. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Irnich, H. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Magel, A. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schott, H. -. GSI * ; Schwab, W. GSI * ; Stöhlker, T. GSI * ; Voss, B. GSI * ; Zrelov, V. P. ; Zrelov, P. V. ; Lapchik, E. D.
Vavilov–Cherenkov radiation emitted by heavy ions near the threshold
Vacuum 63 (4 ), 591 - 595 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0042-207X(01)00245-7 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Cortina-Gil, D. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Baumann, T. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Lenske, H. ; Sümmerer, K. ; Axelsson, L. ; Bergmann, U. ; Borge, M. J. G. ; Fraile, L. M. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Ivanov, M. ; Iwasa, N. ; Janik, R. ; Jonson, B. ; Markenroth, K. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Nilsson, T. ; Ozawa, A. ; Riisager, K. ; Schrieder, G. ; Schwab, W. GSI * ; Simon, H. ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Sitar, B. ; Suzuki, T. ; Winkler, M. GSI *
One-nucleon removal cross-sections for $^{17, 19}C$ and $^{8, 10}B$
The European physical journal / A 10 (1 ), 49 - 56 (2001 ) [10.1007/s100500170143 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Mineva, M. N. (Corresponding author) ; Hellström, M. ; Bernas, M. ; Gerl, J. GSI * ; Grawe, H. GSI * ; Pfützner, M. ; Regan, P. H. ; Rejmund, M. ; Rudolph, D. ; Becker, F. ; Bingham, C. R. ; Enqvist, T. ; Fogelberg, B. ; Gausemel, H. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Genevey, J. ; Górska, M. GSI * ; Grzywacz, R. ; Hauschild, K. ; Janas, Z. ; Kojouharov, I. ; Kopatch, Y. GSI * ; Korgul, A. ; Korten, W. ; Kurcewicz, J. ; Lewitowicz, M. ; Lucas, R. ; Mach, H. ; Mandal, S. GSI * ; Mayet, P. ; Mazzocchi, C. GSI * ; Pinston, J. A. ; Podolyàk, Z. ; Schaffner, H. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Schmidt, K. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wollersheim, H.-J. GSI *
A new μs isomer in $^{136}Sb$ produced in the projectile fission of $^{238}U$
The European physical journal / A 11 (1 ), 9 - 13 (2001 ) [10.1007/s100500170091 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Markenroth, K. (Corresponding author) ; Meister, M. ; Eberlein, B. ; Aleksandrov, D. ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Axelsson, L. ; Baumann, T. GSI * ; Borge, M. J. G. ; Chulkov, L. V. ; Dostal, W. ; Elze, T. W. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grünschloß, A. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holeczek, J. GSI * ; Jonson, B. ; Kratz, J. V. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Mukha, I. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Nilsson, T. ; Nyman, G. ; Pfützner, M. GSI * ; Pribora, V. ; Richter, A. ; Riisager, K. ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schrieder, G. ; Simon, H. ; Stroth, J. GSI * ; Tengblad, O. ; Zhukov, M. V.
$^8He–^6He$: a comparative study of nuclear fragmentation reactions
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 679 (3-4 ), 462 - 480 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(00)00372-9 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Leistenschneider, A. (Corresponding author) ; Aumann, T. GSI * ; Boretzky, K. ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Cub, J. ; Pramanik, U. GSI * ; Dostal, W. ; Elze, T. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grünschloß, A. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Ilievski, S. GSI * ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Kaspar, M. GSI * ; Kleinböhl, A. ; Kratz, J. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Reiter, P. ; Rejmund, M. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. ; Simon, H. ; Stroth, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wajda, E. ; Walús, W. ; Wan, S. GSI *
Photoneutron Cross Sections for Unstable Neutron-Rich Oxygen Isotopes
Physical review letters 86 (24 ), 5442 - 5445 (2001 ) [10.1103/PhysRevLett.86.5442 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Scheidenberger, C. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Casares, A. ; Czok, U. ; Dodonov, A. ; Eliseev, S. A. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Kholomeev, A. ; Kozlovski, V. ; Litvinov, Y. A. GSI * ; Maier, M. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nankov, N. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. N. ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Stadlmann, J. ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Weidenmüller, M. GSI * ; Wollnik, H. ; Zhou, Z.
A New Concept for Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry with Slowed-down Short-Lived Isotopes
Hyperfine interactions 132 (1/4 ), 527 - 530 (2001 ) [10.1023/A:1011959903557 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Mass measurements of stored exotic nuclei
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 693 (1-2 ), 19 - 31 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00346-3 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Geissel, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Falch, M. GSI * ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Kerscher, T. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kluge, H. -. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Litvinov, Y. GSI * ; Löbner, K. E. G. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nankov, N. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. ; Ohtsubo, T. GSI * ; Patyk, Z. ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Stadlmann, J. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Progress in mass measurements of stored exotic nuclei at relativistic energies
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 685 (1-4 ), 115 - 126 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00533-4 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Aumann, T. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Datta Pramanik, U. GSI * ; Boretzky, K. ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Cub, J. ; Dostal, W. ; Elze, T. W. ; Emling, H. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grünschloß, A. ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Holzmann, R. GSI * ; Ilievski, S. ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Kaspar, M. ; Kleinböhl, A. ; Kratz, J. V. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Reiter, P. ; Rejmund, M. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Simon, H. ; Stroth, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wajda, E. ; Waluś, W. ; Wan, S. GSI *
Measurements of the dipole response with radioactive beams
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 687 (1-2 ), 103 - 110 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00608-X ] 2001
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Journal Article
Kienle, P. (Corresponding author) ; Faestermann, T. ; Friese, J. ; Körner, H. -. ; Münch, M. ; Schneider, R. ; Stolz, A. ; Wefers, E. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. ; Thirolf, P.
Synthesis and halflives of heavy nuclei relevant for the rp-process
Progress in particle and nuclear physics 46 (1 ), 73 - 78 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0146-6410(01)00109-0 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Ozawa, A. (Corresponding author) ; Bochkarev, O. ; Chulkov, L. ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Ivanov, M. ; Janik, R. ; Kimura, K. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Korsheninnikov, A. A. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Ogawa, Y. ; Ogloblin, A. A. ; Pfützner, M. ; Pribora, V. ; Simon, H. GSI * ; Sitár, B. ; Strmen, P. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Suzuki, T. ; Tanihata, I. ; Winkler, M. GSI * ; Yoshida, K.
Measurements of interaction cross sections for light neutron-rich nuclei at relativistic energies and determination of effective matter radii
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 691 (3-4 ), 599 - 617 (2001 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(01)00563-2 ] 2001
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Contribution to a book
Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Stadlmann, J. ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Beller, P. GSI * ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Eickhoff, H. GSI * ; Falch, M. ; Franczak, B. GSI * ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Kerscher, T. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kluge, H. -. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Litvinov, Y. A. GSI * ; Löbner, K. E. G. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nankov, N. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. N. ; Ohtsubo, T. GSI * ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Schatz, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Sun, Z. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Isochronous Mass Measurements of Hot Exotic Nuclei
2001 Atomic Physics at Accelerators: Mass Spectrometry Proceedings of the APAC 2000, held in Cargèse, France, 19–23 September 2000 , Meeting location ,
Amsterdam : Springer Netherlands 291-297 (2001 ) [10.1007/978-94-015-1270-1_25 ] 2001
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Journal Article
Litvinov, Y. A. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Falch, M. ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Kerscher, T. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kluge, H. -. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Löbner, K. E. G. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. N. ; Patyk, Z. ; Quint, W. GSI * ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Vermeeren, L. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Schottky Mass Measurements of Cooled Exotic Nuclei
Hyperfine interactions 132 (1/4 ), 281 - 287 (2001 ) [10.1023/A:1011907602706 ] 2001
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Contribution to a conference proceedings/Book
Stadlmann, J. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Schatz, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Falch, M. ; Franczak, B. GSI * ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Kerscher, T. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kluge, H.-J. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Löbner, K. E. G. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. N. ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Sun, Z. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Wollnik, H. GSI *
First isochronous time-of-flight mass measurements of short-lived projectile fragments in the ESR
2000 AIP Conference Proceedings - AIP, 2000. - ISBN - doi:10.1063/1.1291454 The 4th international conference on nuclear physics at storage rings (STORI99) , Bloomington Bloomington , Indiana (USA) , 12 Sep 1999 - 16 Sep 19991999-09-12 1999-09-16
AIP 305 pp. (2000 ) [10.1063/1.1291454 ] 2000
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Scheidenberger, C. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Bollen, G. ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Casares, A. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Kholomeev, A. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Weick, H. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Gross properties of exotic nuclei investigated at storage rings and ion traps
2000 The 4th international conference on nuclear physics at storage rings (STORI99) , STORI99 , Bloomington, Indiana (USA) Bloomington, Indiana (USA) , USA , 12 Sep 1999 - 16 Sep 19991999-09-12 1999-09-16
New York, NY : AIP, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 512 , 275 - 292 (2000 ) [10.1063/1.1291452 ] 2000
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Falch, M. (Corresponding author) ; Löbner, K. E. G. ; Kerscher, T. ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Franzke, B. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kluge, H.-J. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. ; Patyk, Z. ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Winkler, M. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Schottky Mass Spectrometry at the ESR with a new data acquisition system
2000 The 4th international conference on nuclear physics at storage rings (STORI99) , STORI99 , Bloomington, Indiana (USA) Bloomington, Indiana (USA) , USA , 12 Sep 1999 - 16 Sep 19991999-09-12 1999-09-16
New York, NY : AIP, AIP CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 512 , 263 - 265 (2000 ) [10.1063/1.1291449 ] 2000
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Contribution to a conference proceedings
Aumann, T. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Leistenschneider, A. ; Pramanik, U. ; Boretzky, K. ; Cortina, D. ; Cub, J. ; Dostal, W. ; Elze, T. ; Emling, H. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Grunschloss, A. ; Hellstrom, M. ; Holzmann, R. ; Ilievski, S. ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Kaspar, M. ; Kleinbohl, A. ; Kratz, J. ; Kulessa, R. ; Leifels, Y. GSI * ; Lubkiewicz, E. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Reiter, P. ; Rejmund, M. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Schlegel, C. GSI * ; Simon, H. ; Stroth, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Wajda, E. ; Walus, W. ; Wan, S. GSI *
Nuclear structure studies with radioactive beams at GSI
2000 International Symposium on Exotic Nuclear Structures , ENS 2000 , DEBRECEN DEBRECEN , HUNGARY , 15 May 2000 - 20 May 20002000-05-15 2000-05-20
111-118 (2000 ) 2000
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Journal Article
Weick, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Baumann, T. GSI * ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Lommel, B. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nankov, N. ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Schatz, H. GSI * ; Schmidt, K. GSI * ; Stadlmann, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Winkler, M. GSI * ; Wollnik, H.
Slowing down of relativistic few-electron heavy ions
Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research / B 164-165 , 168 - 179 (2000 ) [10.1016/S0168-583X(99)01025-3 ] 2000
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Journal Article
Chulkov, L. V. (Corresponding author) ; Bochkarev, O. V. ; Cortina-Gil, D. GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Hellström, M. GSI * ; Ivanov, M. ; Janik, R. ; Kimura, K. ; Kobayashi, T. ; Korsheninnikov, A. A. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Ogloblin, A. A. ; Ozawa, A. ; Pfützner, M. ; Pribora, V. N. ; Rozhkov, M. V. ; Simon, H. GSI * ; Sitár, B. ; Strmen, P. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Suzuki, T. ; Tanihata, I. ; Yoshida, K. ; Winkler, M. GSI *
Total charge-changing cross sections for neutron-rich light nuclei
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 674 (3-4 ), 330 - 342 (2000 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(00)00168-8 ] 2000
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Journal Article
Itahashi, K. (Corresponding author) ; Oyama, K. ; Hayano, R. ; Gilg, H. ; Gillitzer, A. ; Knülle, M. ; Münch, M. ; Schott, W. ; Kienle, P. ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Iwasa, N. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. ; Hirenzaki, S. ; Toki, H. ; Yamazaki, T.
Deeply bound $π^-$ states in $^{207}Pb$ formed in the $^{208}Pb(d,^3He)$ reaction. II. Deduced binding energies and widths and the pion-nucleus interaction
Physical review / C 62 (2 ), 025202 (2000 ) [10.1103/PhysRevC.62.025202 ] 2000
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Journal Article
Radon, T. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Kerscher, T. ; Nolden, F. GSI * ; Novikov, Y. ; Patyk, Z. ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Beckert, K. GSI * ; Beha, T. ; Bosch, F. GSI * ; Eickhoff, H. GSI * ; Falch, M. ; Fujita, Y. ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Herfurth, F. GSI * ; Irnich, H. GSI * ; Jung, H. C. ; Klepper, O. GSI * ; Kozhuharov, C. GSI * ; Litvinov, Y. GSI * ; Löbner, K. E. G. ; Nickel, F. GSI * ; Reich, H. GSI * ; Schwab, W. GSI * ; Schlitt, B. GSI * ; Steck, M. GSI * ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Winkler, T. GSI * ; Wollnik, H. ; Franzke, B. GSI *
Schottky mass measurements of stored and cooled neutron-deficient projectile fragments in the element range of 57≤Z≤84
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 677 (1-4 ), 75 - 99 (2000 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(00)00304-3 ] 2000
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Journal Article
Weick, H. (Corresponding author) GSI * ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Scheidenberger, C. GSI * ; Attallah, F. GSI * ; Cortina, D. GSI * ; Hausmann, M. GSI * ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Radon, T. GSI * ; Schatz, H. GSI * ; Schmidt, K. GSI * ; Stadlmann, J. ; Sümmerer, K. GSI * ; Winkler, M. GSI *
Drastic Enhancement of Energy-Loss Straggling of Relativistic Heavy Ions due to Charge-State Fluctuations
Physical review letters 85 (13 ), 2725 - 2728 (2000 ) [10.1103/PhysRevLett.85.2725 ] 2000
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Journal Article
Gillitzer, A. (Corresponding author) ; Geissel, H. GSI * ; Gilg, H. ; Gillitzer, A. ; Hayano, R. S. ; Hirenzaki, S. ; Itahashi, K. ; Iwasaki, M. ; Kienle, P. ; Münch, M. ; Münzenberg, G. GSI * ; Schott, W. ; Suzuki, K. ; Tomono, D. ; Yamazaki, T. ; Yoneyama, T. ; Weick, H. GSI *
Observation of well-resolved 1s and 2pπ− states in Pb by high resolution $(d,^3He)$ spectroscopy
Nuclear physics <Amsterdam> / A 663-664 , 206c - 209c (2000 ) [10.1016/S0375-9474(99)00589-8 ] 2000
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