Immune reaction upon radiation exposure

Immunotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors has great potential for treating metastatic cancers. It is often combined with local treatments like radiation therapy, but the scheduling of such combined therapies is primarily based on empirical evidence. To optimize these treatments, a comprehensive predictive model is needed. Our group developed a biophysical model that predicts the interaction between immunotherapy and radiotherapy, which could be successfully applied to describe a large set of preclinical experimental data. Complementary, we also investigate the effects of radiotherapy on circulating lymphocytes, aiming to identify treatment modalities that minimize the negative impact of radiation on immune cells. The methods are used to assess the immunogenic potential of ion radiation alone or in combination with immunotherapy.

  • Friedrich T, Scholz M, Durante M. A Predictive Biophysical Model of the Combined Action of Radiation Therapy and Immunotherapy of Cancer. International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics 113:872-884 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2022.03.030

  • Friedrich T, Henthorn N, Durante M. Modeling Radioimmune Response—Current Status and Perspectives. Frontiers in Oncology 11:647272 (2021). doi:10.3389/fonc.2021.647272

Project contributors

Group Leader:
Dr. Thomas Friedrich


PhD Students:
M.Sc. Vladislav Sandul
