Operational Health Management (BGM)

Current campaigns

Save the date: Info event on 13 March 2024 from 10.30 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.

Specific dates:
  • MCV 6-week basic course:
    • 24.04., 08.05., 15.05., 22.05., 29.05. and 05.06.2024
    • In each case from 10.30 to 12.00 online
  • MCV 4-week in-depth course 1:
    • 04.09., 11.09., 18.09. and 25.09.2024
    • In each case 10.30 to 12.00 online
  • MCV 4-week in-depth course 2:
    • 06.11., 13.11., 20.11. and 27.11.2024
    • In each case from 10.30 to 12.00 online


A detailed description of the courses can be found here.

The course language is English.


If you are interested , please contact bgm(at)gsi.de.


You can find a detailed description of the courses here.

In a world that is constantly changing, mental health and positive psychological approaches are crucial factors for personal well-being and professional success. This workshop series offers the opportunity to explore tools and strategies to remain resilient in times of change and promote your own mental health. It is about increasing your own understanding and learning practical tools.

All events take place online.


Appointments introductory workshop:

  • 27.08.2024                    13.30 - 15.00    english
  • 10.09.2024                    10.00 – 11.30    german

Appointments Workshop 1 "Positive Psychology":

  • 10.09.2024                    13.30 - 14.30    english
  • 24.09.2024                    10.00 – 11.00    german

Appointments Workshop 2 "Mental strength":

  • 01.10.2024                    13.30 - 14.30    english
  • 08.10.2024                    10.00 – 11.00    german

Appointments Workshop 3 "Change competence":

  • 08.10.2024                    13.30 - 14.30    english
  • 29.10.2024                    10.00 – 11.00    german


To participate in the events, please register at bgm(at)gsi.de.

Conducted by:            

Machwürth Team International



A very special highlight awaits you every second Thursday of the month (September to November): an exciting talk on the topics of health, motivation, personality or future viability, which is streamed live.
The best thing about it? The live stream will be recorded and can be watched for up to 30 days after the broadcast. This means you can watch the talk again at any time if you missed it.
And that's not all: the talks will be held in German and will take place at 4.15 pm. In November, the lecture will even be held in English, starting at 2.15 pm. So you can get to grips with the latest trends and expand your knowledge.

 Here are the dates for the lectures

  •     12 September 2024
    • "The balancing act of support and challenge - a pioneer for personal and collective development" - Felix Gottwald
  •     10 October 2024
    • "Consciously how! - How mindfulness can enrich your everyday life" - Britta Hölzel
  •     14 November 2024

Entry link:


The link can be used without registration and applies to all lectures.

Conducted by:

Windhund GmbH



In the current situation, the health of the cardiovascular system is of great importance. Cardiovascular carotid screening can detect common heart diseases, circulatory disorders and diabetes at an early stage.


  • Examination of the carotid artery with an ultrasound device
  • Blood pressure & heart rate
  • determination of blood lipids & blood sugar levels

There is an increased risk of carotid artery disease (calcification, thickening) from the age of 40.


17 September 2024


You can book your appointment here.

Please note: As there are only 32 examination appointments, priority should be given to people over the age of 40 and people with previous illnesses.

In order to obtain the most accurate results possible, please do not eat or drink anything (except water) for 4 hours before the examination.

Durchgeführt von:

Barmer Krankenkasse in co-operation with Heigl


Mobile Massage (MoMa)

Treat yourself to a little time out and take advantage of the offer of mobile massage during working hours.

You can find more information under mobile massage (MoMa).

Exercise and relaxation offers

If you are interested, please contact BGM so that you can be added to the e-mail distribution list. You will then receive information about room and date changes.

Further information can be found here.
