Official personal dosimeter for international guests
Before you fill out the form, please read the Strahlenschutzanweisung for guest scientiest and employees of external companies.
In general, regardless of whether the person is classified in category A or B, access to the GSI radiation protection areas requires a radiation protection examination (not older than 12 months) and GSI online radiation protection instruction (also not older than 12 months) .
If you have questions please contact Alexandra Knapp.
Location of dosimeter boxes
The badge will be deposited in one of the 25 badge boxes. These badge boxes are the blue boxes you find in the corridors, where the badges are stored while you don’t need it. Because we want to take a badge box which is near your office or near your laboratory, we ask you tell us, which badge box you like to have your badge. A list of locations of all badge boxes can be found here.