Official personal dosimeter for international guests

Before you fill out the form, please read the Strahlenschutzanweisung for guest scientiest and employees of external companies.

In general, regardless of whether the person is classified in category A or B, access to the GSI radiation protection areas requires a radiation protection examination (not older than 12 months) and GSI online radiation protection instruction (also not older than 12 months) .

If you have questions please contact Alexandra Knapp.

Official personal dosimeter for international guests


With the application form, we ask for personal information, contact information, GSI online instruction information, and medical examination regarding radiation protection. According to the new Radiation Protection Act (§ 170 StrlSchG), there are important changes for all persons supervised by the GSI from 31.12.2018:

In addition to the name, first name, date of birth and place of birth, the radiation protection register number (in the following SSR number) will be sent to our evaluation office. If there is no SSR number generated yet, the social security number as well as the birth name will be needed if an official dosimeter has to be issued.

Further information can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Radiation Protection:


All fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Please pay attention to correct spelling and correct data, as these data are transmitted to our dosimeter evaluation center and the radiation protection register.

You will find the information on data protection under the following link:

Personal data

Please enter your social security number here
  • Notes, where you can find your social security number (§ 147 SGB VI):

    If you have already worked in Germany, you have a social security number (= identical with the pension insurance number). The social security number is required to apply for the SSR number. You can find the social security number:

    • on the payslip
    • on the pension information letter or directly from the Deutsche Rentenversicherung ( or phone.: 0800 1000 4800)
    • you can ask any statutory health insurance company, even if you are not insured there
  • How is the SSR number created for persons who do not have a social security number?

    • If you do not have a German social security number, then we need a lifelong unchangeable person related registration number to create the SSR number, e.g. the Tax-Identification-Number (TIN) Here are some examples: Italy = CIF / Spain = DNI / France = NIF / Poland = PESEL / Belgium = NN / Bulgaria = UCN / Denmark and Greece = CPR / Ireland = PPS.
Please enter your foreign identification number

Note: If you have been in radiation protection monitoring since 1.1.2019, you have an SSR number. Please contact the company or the facility in which you were in the monitoring.

If you have not yet been in radiation protection monitoring this year, please contact the radiation protection of your company or institute.

Needed data

Note: The last medical examination must not be older than 12 months.
UPLOAD: If you have not sent the medical certificate to the dosimetry group yet, you have here the opportunity to upload the certificate as pdf.
Note: The last instruction must not be older than 12 months.
UPLOAD: If you have not sent the certificate for radiation protection instruction to the dosimetry group yet, you have here the opportunity to upload the certificate as pdf.
Important: Sign the certificate before uploading

More data

Note: Please allow at least 5 days to issue a dosimeter for you.
How long do you need the personal dosimeter?
UPLOAD: Here you have the opportunity to upload a dose report:

Please tell us, in which badge box you would like to have your badge in. You find a list of all locations under the button send form.

Your radiation passport states whether you are classified in category A or category B. If you do not have a radiation passport, please ask your responsible radiation protection officer.

Location of dosimeter boxes

The badge will be deposited in one of the 25 badge boxes. These badge boxes are the blue boxes you find in the corridors, where the badges are stored while you don’t need it. Because we want to take a badge box which is near your office or near your laboratory, we ask you tell us, which badge box you like to have your badge. A list of locations of all badge boxes can be found here.
