Entrance requirements
Entrance requirements for GSI controlled areas
- for GSI employees
- for guests and external company staff
Entrance requirements for GSI employees
To have access to the controlled areas the following requirements must be fulfilled:
- medical examination (not older than 12 months)
- GSI online safety and online radiation protection instructions (not older than 12 months)
- official personal dosimeter
Further more the following requirements must be fulfilled:
- the accumulated effective body dose of this year must be less than 20 mSv
- the accumulated effective body dose in total must be less than 400 mSv
Entrance requirements for guests and external company staff
You find all information regarding entrence requirements in the Strahlenschutzanweisung für Gäste und Fremdfirmen-Mitarbeiter.
In brief:
- A certificate (in German or in English) of the last medical examination, which is not older than 12 months. It must include the following data: First and last name of the proband, date of birth, date of the medical examination and the clinical findings: no medical objections regarding work with ionising radiation.
- safety and radiation protection instructions (not older than 12 months), additional workplace related instructions. More information can be found here.
- A suitable official dosimeter must be worn to have access to controlled areas. When handling with radioactive sources a fingerring dosimeter might be useful. Additional to the official dosimeter an electronic dosimeter must be worn. This electronic dosimeter is equipped with a warning sound when the dose rate gets too high. When a QR code is needed to pass the booth system, the request form to apply for such a QR code must be used. This request form can be found here.
- radiation passport (for guest scientists coming from a German facility)
- permission regarding §25 StrlSchG of the German external company (=University, Institute, etc.)
- demarcation contract between GSI and external company (only for Germany)
Further more the following requirements must be fulfilled:
- the accumulated effective body dose of this year must be less than 20 mSv
- the accumulated effective body dose in total must be less than 400 mSv
medical examination / medical certificate
To have access to the GSI controlled areas you need a certificate of your medical examination. The following information are mandatory:
- Name and first name
- Date of birth
- Day of the medical examination
- no medical objections regarding a work with ionising radiation
- Name and signature of the medical doctor
If you don't have a medical certificate yet, you can use the following form "medical certificate" .
radiation passport
To check if your accumulated effective dose of this year is less than 20 mSv and your effective dose in total is less than 400 mSv, we need your radiation passport. Please bring it to GSI.
If you don't have a radiation passport, please bring a dose report to GSI including the following information:
- Date of birth
- last medical examination
- accumulated effective dose of this year
- accumulated effective dose in total