The APPA Cave
The plasma physics community will have access to a dedicated ion beamline in the APPA cave. The cave, whose layout is shown in the figure below, will be 1064 m2 large and its will be supplemented by the 650 m2 of the supply building. In addition to the plasma physics community, the cave hosts experiments from the SPARC and BIOMAT collaborations.

The plasma physics ion beamline
The 50 m long ion beamline is designed as a multi-use ion beamline to should enable employing the proton microscope PRIOR and the other schemes proposed by the community like HIHEX and LAPLAS. The ion beamline location can be seen in the general cave scheme above, while a detailed view of the beamline is shown below. The ion beamline is made of the matching section, a free space to be used by the various schemes, the focusing magnets and the target chamber as depicted below.

Work packages
The work packages follow the FAIR nomenclature and concern sub-systems of the beamline installation. Below is a list of the plasma physics technical work packages. The work packages are described by technical design reports written by the collaboration and approved by the FAIR Expert Committee Experiments (ECE).
Beam transport infrastructure (PSP Code:

- TDR: "Beam matching section with normal-conducting quadrupoles in the plasma physics beamline in the APPA cave at FAIR - including beam diagnostics and the vacuum system"
- Authors: K. Weyrich, A. Blazevic, D. Varentsov, A. Bräuning-Demian, H. Leibrock, C. Mühle, R. Hettinger, G. Riefert, D. See, Ch. Will, A. Döring, H. Ramakers, H. Welker, M. Schwickert, B. Walasek-Höhne, F. Hagenbuck, A. Krämer, J. Kurdal, A. Belusov, I. Conrad, R. Lang, D. Jahn (PhD student), M. Schanz (PhD student)
- GSI contact person: K. Weyrich
- Status of TDR: submitted - in review process
Superconducting final focusing system (PSP Code:

- TDR: "Large-aperture high-gradient superconducting quadrupoles for HEDgeHOB experiments"
- Authors: A. Ageyev, A. Blazevic, I. Bogdanov, E. Kashtanov, M. Kauschke, H. Kollmus, S. Kozub, H. Müller, D. Schumacher, P. Shcherbakov, P. Spiller, V. Syntik, L. Tkachenko, O. Trusov, T. Trusova, D. Varentsov, H. Welker, K. Weyrich, S. Zinchenko, V. Zubko
- GSI contact person: D. Schumacher
- Status of TDR: approved
RF beam rotator (PSP Code:

- TDR: "The RF multi-cell deflector (wobbler) for LAPLAS experiment"
- Authors: A. Golubev, T. Kulevoy, D. Liakin, A. Sitnikov, A. Kantsirev, A. Kozodaev, O. Rosmej
- GSI contact person: O. Rosmej
- Status of TDR: approved
Proton microscopy (PSP Code:

- TDR: "Proton microscope for FAIR"
- Authors: D. Varentsov, M. Schanz, A. Kalimov
- GSI contact person: D. Varentsov
- Status of TDR: approved
Target stations (PSP Code:

- TDR: "Design, construction and commissioning of a target chamber for ion beam driven interaction experiments"
- Authors: A. Tauschwitz, S. Damjanovic, M. Roth, J. Jacoby, N. Shilkin
- GSI contact person: A. Tauschwitz
- Status of TDR: submitted - in review process
Diagnostics & Detectors (PSP Code:

- TDR: "Diagnostic instrumentation for plasma physics experiments at the APPA cave"
- Authors: P. Neumayer, O. Rosmej, J. Jacoby, A. Blazevic, M. Roth, A. Ulrich, C. Spielmann
- GSI contact person: P. Neumayer
- Status of TDR: approved
Diagnostic laser (PSP Code:

- TDR: "Laser-based pump-probe equipment for the APPA cave at FAIR"
- Authors: V. Bagnoud, A. Blažević, U. Eisenbarth, S. Götte, P. Neumayer, M. Roth, D. Schumacher
- GSI contact person: V. Bagnoud
- Status of TDR: approved
Data acquisition, controls, timing (PSP Code:

- TDR: "The supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system for plasma physics experiments for FAIR"
- Authors: S. Udrea, A. Blazevic, O. Rosmej, S. Götte, P. Neumayer, P. Moritz, D. Varentsov
- GSI contact person: D. Varentsov
- Status of TDR: approved