Theory of Short Pulse Petawatt Laser Plasma Interaction

Laserlab Europe Workshop

October 14-17, 2007,


Dieburger Strasse 241, D-64287 Darmstadt



The fast development of high-power lasers with ever shorter pulses has triggered a wealth of unknown phenomena in laser plasma interaction during the last decade. Huge numbers of high-energy particles and photons can be produced with such laser pulses. New developments like fast ignition of ICF targets or powerful femtosecond diagnostics were started. With the appearance of Petawatt pulses for example, ultra-high fields can be generated and extreme states of matter with high energy density can be prepared. Synchronized experimental and theoretical efforts are indispensable for further progress in this field. In continuation of our previous workshop in 2005, this meeting aims at bringing together theorists from neighbouring European laser laboratories for discussion and cooperation in their further work.

The meeting starts on Sunday, October 14 (arrival) with a welcome party at the Georg-Christoph-Lichtenberg-Haus. The scientific program will run at the same place from Monday morning till Tuesday evening. The workshop will be continued for another half day on Wednesday morning at GSI.

Visits to the accelerator and PHELIX facilities will be offered in the afternoon.


Scientific program

The workshop focuses on the following topics:

Absorption mechanisms of intense laser light in clusters, foams, and solid targets.

Atoms in superintense fields – basic research in quantum field physics.

Particle acceleration and transport of high-energy particles in dense matter.

Emission of short-wavelength radiation (higher harmonics, transition radiation, K-a radiation, X-ray lasers).

Applications of high-energy particles and photons from the interaction of short laser pulses with plasma, astrophysics in the laboratory.



Presentation off all submitted papers will be oral (25 minutes).

The conference language is English.

The deadline of abstract submission is 31 August 2007.


Speakers - Agenda - Talks
