Atomic Theory for Fundamental Interactions and Simple Systems in Strong Fields
426th Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar
January 18 - 21, 2009
Physik Zentrum Bad Honnef, Germany
Funded by the Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Stiftung
This workshop aims to bring together experts, post-doc's and students from the theory of fundamental interactions and simple atomic systems in order to discuss the recent advancements and the open problems in this vital field. Central topics of the seminar are:
- Quantum elektrodynamics for simple atomic systems (exotic atoms, g-factors, hyperfine structure in highly-charge hydrogen- and lithium-like ions)
- Tests on the elektro-weak interaction (parity and time-reversal violation, non-VA contributions to the "beta" decay, ...)
- Tests of fundamental symmetries (CPT, g-factor of antihydrogen, permanent electrie-dipole moments, time-dependence of fundamental constants)
- Determination of fundamental constants
With FAIR, the International Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Darmstadt, there will be established a world-wide unique place during the next years where intensive ion beams with very high brilliance become available. This facility will allow novel studies on th fundamental symmetries and light-matter interaction in the presence of strong and supercritical fields. With this seminar, we wish to stimulate discussions and to initiate collaborations between groups to exploit the features of the FAIR and other facilities.
Apart from the success and advantanges of the theoretical methods and approximations, all speakers are ask to access critical the weak points and limitations of the theory.
- Stephan Fritzsche (GSI Darmstadt)
- Paul Indelicato (Ecole Normale, Paris)
- Alejandro Saenz (HU Berlin)
Preliminary Program
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Anreise and Registration |
Monday, 19 January 2009
Session1 | ||
09:00 | S. Fritzsche | Welcome and Opening |
E. Dreisigacker | About the WEH Foundation | |
09.30 | T. Stöhlker | Atomic Physics at GSI and Fair |
10:15 | Coffee Break | |
10:45 | V. Shabaev | Quantum electrodynamics of boundstates in the Furry picture and beyond |
11:25 | I. Lindgren | Energy-dependent perturbation theory for combined many-body and QED calculations |
12:05 | A. Volotka | High-precision calculations of the hyperfine structure in multi-charged ions |
Session2 | ||
14:30 | P. Schmelcher | Giant dipole states of single-electron and multi-electron systems in crossed electric and magnetic fields |
15:10 | G. Wunner | Hartree-Fock-Roothaan and diffusion Monte-Carlo calculations for many-electron atoms and ions in neutron-star magnetic fields |
15:50 | Coffee Break | |
16:20 | C. Yan | High-precision calculation of three-electron atomic systems: Interface with nuclear physics |
17:00 | A. Czarnecki | Positronium and polyelectrons |
Tuesday, 20 January 2009
Session3 | |
09:00 Y. Yamazaki | Atomic processes accessible with ultra slow antiprotons: |
Present status and future perspectives | |
09.45 S. Jonsell | Formation of antihydrogen from positron plasmas |
10:25 P. Froelich | Interaction of ultracold antihydrogen with matter and gravity |
11:05 | Coffee Break |
11:35 P. Mohr | Status and future for fundamental constants |
12:15 S. Karshenboim | Fundamental atoms, fundamental constants and fundamental |
interactions | |
Session4 | |
14:30 C. Keitel | Relativistic laser-induced ionization and recollision processes |
15:10 J. Rafelski | Vacuum structure and trace anomaly in strong fields |
15:50 R. Schützold | Fundamental effects in strong laser fields ? |
16:00 | Coffee Break |
Session5 | |
17:00 N. M. Kabachnik | Time-dependent theory of photoionization in the strong field of an ultra-short laser pulse |
17:40 W. Becker | The strong-field approximation for the interaction of intense laser fields with bound systems |
18:20 H. R. Reiss | Novel phenomena in low-frequency intense fields |
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Session6 | |
09:00 G. Gwinner | Fundamental symmetry tests with radioactive trapped atoms |
09.45 A. Derevianko | Improved test of the standard model of elementary particles |
with atomic parity violation | |
10:25 | Coffee Break |
10:55 I. Kriplovich | Electric dipole moments, from electron to top-quark |
11:35 J. Bieron | MCDHF calculations of EDM in atoms |
Session7 | |
14:00 A. Surzhykov | Polarization and correlation phenomena in relativistic |
atomic collisions | |
14:40 C. Guclu | Electromagnetic lepton pair production from the strong field |
of relativistic heavy ions | |
15:20 | Coffee Break |
Session8 | |
15:50 T. Kirchner | Antiproton and heavy-ion impact on atoms: New insights |
and persistent challenges | |
16:30 E. Ackad | Calculation of correlated electron-positron spectra in |
supercritical heavy-ion collisions | |
17:10 A. Saenz & | |
P. Indelicato | Concluding Remarks |