Welcome to the intranet site of the Safety and Waste Management Group (SWM).
On the following sub-pages you will find everything you need to know about safety-related topics.
On the pages of the Safety Engineer you will find further information on safety-relevant topics, including the central tool in occupational safety: the risk assessment (GBU).
Waste, Hazardous Goods & Water Protection Officer

[Translate to English:] https://www.hoeppner-management.de/umweltbeauftragte/
- Water and Soil Protection Alarm Plan
- Waste oil and cooling lubricant disposal
Contact: a.niermeyer(at)gsi.de
- Workshops and lectures on health topics
- Information on health topics (stress, mindfulness, sleep, etc.)
- Company medical service
- Mobile Massage
Contact: bgm(at)gsi.de
- Work permit for hot work (F18)
- Fire detector shutdowns
- Escape and emergency routes
- Assembly points in case of alarm
Contact: brandschutz(at)gsi.de
First aid in the company

[Translate to English:] https://d2hp.de/produkt-schlagwort/erste-hilfe/
- What to do in an emergency situation
- First aid measures
- First Aiders
- Company paramedics
Contact: erstehilfe(at)gsi.de
Hazardous substances management

[Translate to English:] https://pocketpro24.de/gefahrstoffmanagement/
- Documentation on the handling of hazardous substances (hazardous substances register, risk assessment, operating instructions)
- Disposal of hazardous substances
- Storage of hazardous substances (incl. gas cylinder storage)
Contact: gefahrstoffbeauftragter(at)gsi.de
- Planning and carrying out periodic inspections
- Safety assessment of work equipmentn
- Organisation and implementation of instructions, such as crane operator, driver and operator of industrial trucks
Contact: pruefungen-swm(at)gsi.de
Persons responsible for GSI & FAIR

[Translate to English:] https://wdrfree.com/stock-vector/atlas-god
- Nominated Person in Control of an Electrical Installation
- Hall coordinators
- Safety Responsible
Contact: v.porwol(at)gsi.de
Waste, Hazardous Goods & Water Protection Officer (Contact: a.niermeyer(at)gsi.de)
- Water and Soil Protection Alarm Plan (Alarm plan for the leakage of unknown or hazardous liquids)
Occupational health management (Contact: bgm(at)gsi.de)
- Declaration of consent for flu vaccination (to bring with you when you get your flu vaccination from our company doctors)
- Documents on the topic of appreciation and recognition (E.g. workshop documents)
- Documents on the topic of mindfulness (E.g. workshop documents)
- Documents on the topic of healthy leadership (E.g. workshop documents)
- Documents on the topic of healthy sleep (E.g. workshop documents)
- Documents on the topic of resilience (E.g. workshop documents)
- Documents on the topic of stress management (E.g. workshop documents)
- Flyer: mobile massage at work
- GSI flyer: Are you dependent on something? (Flyer on the topic of addiction)
- Hygiene measures in times of Corona during mobile massage
- Information on vaccination against flu
- Occupational Health Management Actions 2022
- Privacy Policy Mobile Massage (to bring with you on your 1st appointment at the mobile massage)
- Yoga and Back Exercise Course Schedule
Fire protection (Contact: brandschutz(at)gsi.de)
- Checklist for switching off fire detectors
- Collection points Plankstraße
- Fire Protection Regulations Part A
- Fire Protection Regulations Part B
- Location Defibrillator (AED) & Emergency Emergency Emergency Bag, Collection Point Borsigstraße
- Message diagram for emergencies
- Notification sheet for the mobile fire alarm system (MOBS)
- Presentation F17/ F18/ BM-A (presentation on the interfaces between client, contractor and fire protection and, if applicable, other parties involved (SiFa, STV, etc.) in the commissioning or execution of work).
- Requirements of a shutdown of fire alarm groups/ fire detectors
- Work permit for hot work (F18)
First aid in the company (Contact: erstehilfe(at)gsi.de)
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
- First aid overview
Hazardous substance management (Contact: gefahrstoffbeauftragter(at)gsi.de)
- Collection Slip for gas cylinders
- Disposal form for chemicals
- Guide for the safe provision and storage of transportable pressurized gas containers at GSI
Inspection of installations and work equipment (Contact: pruefungen-swm(at)gsi.de)
- Driving assignment for industrial trucks (assignment for drivers of industrial trucks in internal plant traffic in accordance with §7 DGUV Regulation 68)
- Driving assignment cranes (assignment to drive cranes on the factory premises according to §29 DGUV regulation 52)
- Work instruction wall penetrations
Management of radioactive waste
- Consignment note (necessary for the delivery of radioactive residues)
- Instructions (completion aid for the consignment note)
Handling of radioactive substances
- Radioactive source sign (for marking experimental set-ups with radioactive source)
Persons responsible for GSI & FAIR (Contact: v.porwol(at)gsi.de)
- Lists of persons responsible for GSI & FAIR