Application form for a QR-Code

Some areas on the GSI accelerator are secured by a personel lock system.To pass these locks, a QR code is needed. If external guests already have an official dosimeter and need a QR code, they can use the form below.

In general, regardless of whether the person is classified in category A or B, access to the GSI radiation protection areas requires a medical radiation protection examination (not older than 12 months) and GSI online radiation protection instruction (also not older than 12 months).

If you have any questions, please contact Alexandra Knapp.

Application for a QR code (for national and international guests)

Why QR code?

Explanation: Radiation protection control areas of the GSI are partly secured by security gates. In order to pass through these locks, a QR code is required.

Note: All with a star * marked fields are mandatory.

You will find the information on data protection under the following link:

Personal data

More required data

Note: The last medical examination must not be older than 12 months.

UPLOAD: If you have not sent the medical certificate to the dosimetry group yet, you have here the opportunity to upload the certificate as pdf.

Note: The last instruction must not be older than 12 months.

UPLOAD: If you have not sent the certificate for radiation protection instruction to the dosimetry group yet, you have here the opportunity to upload the certificate as pdf.

Important: Sign the certificate before uploading.

More data

Note: Please allow at least 5 days for issuing the QR code.

Note: The QR code itself has no end of validity. Access to the respective areas is governed by the validity of the instructions and the medical radiation protection examination. Please remember, if you are updating an instruction and / or medical exam, to send us the certificates.

UPLOAD: Here you have the opportunity to upload a dose report:
