Research Fields and Experiments

The research spectrum at GSI covers a very broad range in scales, from the sub-femtometer scales in hadron physics over the femto meter and ångström scales of nuclear and atomic physic to the scales of nano- and micrometer of materials science, plasma- and biophysics.

Nuclear Matter at High Densities and Temperatures: Nuclear collision experiments at high energies

  • HADES @ SIS: The High Acceptance Di-electron Spectrometer
  • ALICE @ CERN:LHC: A Large Ion Collider Experiment
  • CBM @ FAIR:SIS100/300: The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment 

Former experiments

  • FOPI @ SIS: The 4π Detector
  • KaoS @ SIS: The Kaon Spectrometer
  • ALADiN @ SIS: A LArge Dipole magNet

Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics, Reactions and Super-Heavy Element Research

Hadron physics

Hadron Structure Investigations with the Anti-Proton Facility of FAIR by

  • PANDA @ FAIR:HESR: the Proton-Antiproton Annihilation Experiment
  • HADES @ SIS: The High Acceptance Di-electron Spectrometer

Plasma Physics

Compressing Matter by Intensive Ion and Laser Beams

Materials Research

Material Science with Accelerated Ions
