Status of the Go4 Project

Milestones of Go4 development




Release v6.3

January 11th, 2024

Consolidation and code cleanup; requires at least ROOT 6.24 and Qt 5

Release v6.2

April 27th, 2022

Consolidation and bugfixes

Release v6.1

May 12th, 2021

Build system may use cmake; Support of Qt6 (experimental))

Release v6.0

October 21st, 2019

ROOT6 web canvas with Qt5 webengine for platforms Linux, MacOS, Windows; HDF5 data format for event I/O

Release v5.3

March 5th, 2018

Consoldiation and adjustments for most recent ROOT versions

Release v5.2

January 9th, 2017

GUI user command buttons, consolidation and bugfixes

Release v5.1

March 17th, 2016

Python scripting in analysis and GUI terminals

Release v5.0

June 25th, 2015

Support of ROOT 6 and Qt5; full GUI control via HTTP server in analysis task, webclient browser GUI

Release v4.6

November, 2013

Provide webserver in go4analysis for monitoring and control (with DABC libs); several GUI improvements

Release v4.5

August, 2011

Updated composite event functionality for CBM testbeam

Release v4.4

November, 2009

Improved analysis runtime environment; native Qt4 GUI

Release v4.1

October, 2008

DABC support, bugfixes, adjusted for Qt 4.4.x

Release v4.0

February, 2008

Port of Go4 GUI to Qt4 library (Qt 4.3.x only)

Release v3.3

May, 2007

Consolidation and bugfixes

Release v3.1

May, 2006

GUI macro command line and scripting

Release v3.0

November, 2005

GUI object manager redesign, Go4 communication in plain ROOT session, Go4 Windows XP binary release

Release v2.10

June, 2005

Taskhandler redesign, analysis server

Release v2.9

February, 2005

Consolidation, bugfixes, user requirements

Release v2.8

September, 2004


Production release v2.5

December, 2003

Many requirements from users implemented

First public release v2.0

November, 2002


First release v.1.0 in May, 2002

Redesign of GUI, analysis steps, complex events


Implementation Phase 1


Multitask-Multithread, GUI system with Qt, Basic Event




Analysis of available tools


ROOT, Together, Sniff++

Definition of user requirements



The Go4 developers

Current development and maintenance:
Jörn Adamczewski-Musch 1337 home

Analysis framework, thread manager, task handler, GUI (Qt),webgui

Sergey Linev 1338home

GUI (Qt), V3 Object manager, Fit package, Windows XP/7 implementation, webserver, webGUI

Sven Augustin (MPI HD)

Python skripting (2015-)



Former project leader (1999-2010)

Contributions to Go4 Version 2 (until 2004):

Mohammad Al-TuranyhomeQtROOT interface, GUI (Qt)
Denis BertinihomeQtROOT interface, composite event classes, event display (GL)
Marc HembergerROOT Thread classes, Go4 thread manager, first GUI prototype (1999-2000)

Archive of the Go4 project


Talks and publications:

DVEE palaver 2001

Go4 Event Classes


Author: J. Adamczewski Date: Dec 2001 Distribution: ppt


ROOT 2001 Workshop



Author: M. Al-Turany 


Date: Jun 2001 Distribution: ppt


QtROOT: Qt Interface to ROOT


Author: D. Bertini 


Date: Jun 2001 Distribution: ppt


Text tag: Go4, production


IEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (submitted)

Go4 Multitasking


Author: J. Adamczewski, M. Al-Turany, D. Bertini, H.G. Essel, M. Hemberger, N. Kurz, M. Richter 


Date: Jun 2001 


Distribution: PDF


Text tag: Go4, production


GSI Report 2000

Report about status of Go4


Author: J. Adamczewski, H.G. Essel, H. Göringer, M. Hemberger, N. Kurz, M. Richter 


Date: Jul 2001 


Distribution: PDF


Text tag: Go4, production


ROOT 2000 Workshop

Go4 Status (Function Prototype)


Author: J. Adamczewski, H.G. Essel, M. Hemberger 


Date: Feb 2000 


Distribution: PPT


Text tag: Go4, production


GSI Report 1999

Report about status of Go4


Author: J. Adamczewski, H.G. Essel, H. Göringer, M. Hemberger, N. Kurz, M. Richter 


Date: Feb 2000 


Distribution: PDF


Text tag: Go4, prototype


Using the root TThread classes

Report about tests and modifications


Author: J. Adamczewski, M. Hemberger 


Date: July 1999 


Distribution: HTML


Text tag: ROOT, threads


New Data Analysis Software at GSI

First draft of user requirements


Author: H.Essel 


Date: June 1998 


Distribution: doc (128 kB), HTML, Graph


Text tag: Requirement


LEA Proposal

Status and possible Upgrades of LEA


Author: H.Essel 


Date: August 1998 


Distribution: doc (128 kB), HTML


Text tag: LEA, Analysis


GO4 User Requirements Document, Version 2.01

Document defining the user requirements for the GO4 development
including priorities given by the users


Author: H.Essel, N. Kurz, M. Richter 


Date: January 11, 1999 


Distribution: doc (254 kB), ps (735 kB), HTML (63 kB) 


Text tag: GO4, URD


Talks about currently used methods of data analysis and their tools.

Monday    08/03/98 14:00 H. Essel: Therapy Analysis with GOOSY and LEA
Thursday  08/06/98 14:00 C. Kozhuharov: ESR Analysis
Monday    08/10/98 14:00 M. Kaspar: Euroball Analysis
Thursday  08/13/98 14:00 canceled
Monday    08/17/98 14:00 K.H.Schmidt: Data Analysis of Specific FRS Experiments
Thursday  08/20/98 14:00 S. Hofmann: Experiments at Ship
Monday    08/24/98 14:00 Various Topics
Thursday  08/27/98 14:00 E.Stiel: Spectroscopy
Thursday  10/01/98 14:00 R. Holzmann: HADES Analysis
Monday    10/05/98 14:00 Ilse Koenig: Use of Oracle Data Base in HADES Analysis
Thursday  10/08/98 14:00 K. Schmidt: Experiments at FRS
Tuesday   10/20/98 09:30 K. Rehlich, DESY: DOOCS, an Object-Oriented Control System for TTF

Minutes of the GO4 discussions.

  1. Minutes (doc) (html) 07/31/1998 (Discussion about the project topics, the project participants, and the time scale)
  2. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/03/1998 (H. Essel: Therapy Analysis with GOOSY and LEA)
  3. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/06/1998 (C. Kozhuharov: ESR Analysis)
  4. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/10/1998 (M. Kaspar: Euroball Analysis)
  5. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/17/1998 (K.H.Schmidt: Data Analysis of Specific FRS Experiments)
  6. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/20/1998 (S. Hofmann: Experiments at Ship)
  7. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/24/1998 (Various Topics)
  8. Minutes (doc) (html) 08/27/1998 (E.Stiel: Spectroscopy)
  9. Minutes (doc) (html) 10/01/1998 (R. Holzmann: HADES Analysis)
  10. Minutes (doc) (html) 10/05/1998 (Ilse Koenig: Use of Oracle Data Base in HADES Analysis)
  11. Minutes (doc) (html) 10/08/1998 (K. Schmidt: Experiments at FRS)
