I am working at the GSI beam instrumentation department for last 10 years. My interests lie in accelerator physics with focus on measurement techniques and analysis. I am the work package leader of the closed orbit feedback system being prototyped for SIS-100 synchrotron for FAIR. Additionally, I am responsible for interfacing between beam physics and novel instrumentation methods. My main focus of this interfacing is towards the improvement of the operational GSI facility. My further interests are in numerical methods used in Accelerator and Instrument design.
My research projects chronologically:
Tune measurements and interpretation for space charge dominated beams at the synchrotron SIS-18 (doctoral work) and link.
Measurements of space charge effects at SIS-18 injection using quadrupolar pick-ups.
Development of robust position calculation algorithms which are now used at all storage rings and synchrotrons at GSI.
First position measurements with coasting beams utilizing Schottky signals.
Transverse beam profile reconstruction for distorted profiles using machine learning.
Participation in the slow extraction spill quality improvement project.
2017- Present
Development and commissioning of the fast feedback system for SIS-18 and prototyping for SIS-100.
2019 - Present
Presently involved a feasibility study for using transition radiation from non-relativistic beams using 1-20 GHz antennas for bunch length measurements
At the moment, my daily work revolves around writing specifications and testing of Hardware and Software related to beam position and tune monitoring for FAIR machines. I am also routinely involved in analysis of data obtained from various diagnostics sensors of the operating facility.