Current Research Activities
HISPEC/DESPEC (HIgh-resolution in-flight and DEcay SPECtroscopy)
The HISPEC/DESPEC experiments, which are part of the NUSTAR scientific pillar, are intended to address questions in nuclear structure, reactions and nuclear astrophysics by means of high-resolution in-flight spectroscopy (HISPEC) and stopped-beam experiments (DESPEC) at the GSI FRagment Separator (FRS) in FAIR Phase-0 and the future FAIR Super-FRS facility. More information on the HISPEC/DESPEC collaboration and experiments can be found here.
The core device of HISPEC experiments is the AGATA array, a large-array gamma-ray spectrometer based on state-of-the-art HPGe technology with tracking capabilities, complemented by ancillary detector systems such as HYDE for charged-particle detection or a plunger device to measure nuclear lifetimes around a secondary target. An event-by-event identification of outgoing ions will be provided by time-of-flight, energy-loss and total energy (LYCCA) measurements and/or a magnetic spectrometer.
The Advanced Implantation Detector Array (AIDA) lies at the heart of DESPEC setup to measure implanted exotic ions and subsequent particle decays, in conjunction with a suite comprising various detector technologies including the DESPEC Ge Array Spectrometer (DEGAS), the FAst TIMing Array of LaBr3 modules (FATIMA), fast plastic scintillator detectors (bPlast), the Decay Total Absorption gamma-ray Spectrometer (DTAS) or neutron detectors such as the BEta-deLayEd Neutron detector (BELEN) or the MOdular Neutron SpectromeTER (MONSTER).
More information on HISPEC and DESPEC Instrumentation can be found here: HISPEC and DESPEC.
The beamtime schedules for FAIR Phase-0 can be found here.
Previous Experimental Campaigns

PreSpec - a collaborative international project - was tailored for basic nuclear structure studies of exotic nuclei far from the line of stability by means of high-resolution gamma-ray spectroscopy of radioactive ion beams produced by fragmentation or fission at relativistic energies at the SIS / FRS facility of GSI. It built upon the very successful RISING project and aimed at the preparation for the spectroscopy to be carried out with HISPEC/DESPEC at NUSTAR for FAIR. In 2012, AGATA detectors were installed at the SIS / FRS facility as a part of PreSPEC project. This significantly improved the detection capabilities for both in-beam and decay experiments with rare isotope beams, and enabled a rich physics program at SIS / FRS before the implementation of HISPEC/DESPEC. More information can be found here.

Rare Isotope Spectroscopic Investigation at GSI (RISING)
During this campaign the Cluster detectors of EUROBALL were installed at GSI to perform three types of experiment.
- In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy at relativistic energies above 100 MeV/nucleon.
- g-factor measurements of isomeric stopped beams.
- Isomer and β-delayed γ-ray spectroscopy of stopped beams.
More information can be found here.