Competence instead of Technology - methods for commercialisation of technological competences from big science

Innovation and excellence are central values in order to meet the extreme and complex requirements of the GSI accelerator facility and the realization of the FAIR facility. Our pioneering technologies meet the highest standards and offer solutions to complex technological challenges, not only in science, but also in industry and society.
GSI not only has unique technologies, but also outstanding competencies in various technology areas. Our experts have the know-how and experience to develop and implement innovative solutions.
As part of the "Competence instead of Technology" funding project, procedures are to be developed and tested in order to market GSI competencies directly, early and openly. The project is divided into two main areas:
1. Identifying industrial needs & partners: the quick and efficient identification of industrial needs and suitable partners from industry and R&D for GSI competencies
2. Bringing science & industry together: the determination of optimal combinations of GSI competence offers and industrial solution demand in order to jointly generate promising R&D projects.
The aim of the project is to establish systematic processes and procedures for this at GSI and thus to expand and strengthen its own technology transfer in the medium term with the discipline of competence transfer.
By marketing technological competencies instead of individual technologies, the economic benefit of GSI's research activities should be increased. This is based on the following assumptions:
- By presenting fields of competence, the technological potential at the GSI can be accessed more quickly and easily for industrial partners.
- A more precise coordination of our options with industrial needs in advance avoids unsuccessful transfer projects
Competences from areas can also be marketed whose technologies are perceived by the industry as too complex or not suitable for industrial issues.
Unter Kompetenz wird in diesem Vorhaben die Fähigkeit verstanden, mit den an der GSI und dem jeweiligen Fachbereich gegebenen Personen, ihren persönlichen Fähigkeiten und der vorhandenen technischen Ausstattung in ihrem definierten Themenfeld (kunden-)spezifische Probleme zu analysieren und dafür passende Lösungsansätze zu finden.
In der Vergangenheit lag der Fokus der GSI Transferaktivitäten auf der Verwertung von Technologien, in Form von technischen Know-how und Erfindungen. Dies deckt aber nur einen Teil des technologischen Potenzials der GSI als Forschungseinrichtung ab. Ein großes Potenzial für den Beitrag von GSI zum gesellschaftlichen Nutzen liegt insbesondere in den diversen Kompetenzen der verschiedenen technischen Bereiche aus Forschung und techischen Betrieb. Durch gezielte Vermarktung dieser Kompetenzen, gezielte Partnersuche und Überführung in konkrete F&E Vorhaben, kann GSI entscheidend dazu beitragen, den indsutriellen sowie gesellschaftlichen Fortschritt weiter voranzutreiben.
By marketing technological competencies instead of individual technologies, the economic benefit of GSI's research activities should be increased. This is based on the following assumptions:
- By presenting fields of competence, the technological potential at the GSI can be accessed more quickly and easily for industrial partners.
- A more precise coordination of our options with industrial needs in advance avoids unsuccessful transfer projects
Competences from areas can also be marketed whose technologies are perceived by the industry as too complex or not suitable for industrial issues.