Program Advisory Committees of GSI

In GSI/FAIR's Program Advisory Committees external reviewers as internationally recognised experts in their fields give advice to the Directorate on selecting experiment proposals to grant beamtime.


General Program Advisory Committee (G-PAC) - an international program advisory committee of GSI, evaluating experiment proposals in the fields of nuclear and atomic physics. This General PAC also acts as umbrella for the different sub-PACs like:

Biophysics & Radio-Biology Program Advisory Committee (Bio-PAC) - evaluates experiment proposals in the areas of biophysics and radio-biology.

Materials Research Program Advisory Committee (Mat-PAC) - evaluates experiment proposals in the area of materials research.

PHELIX and Plasmaphysics Program Advisory Committee (PPAC) - evaluates experiment proposals on plasmaphysics using ions and/or the Petawatt High-Energy Laser for Heavy Ion Experiments (PHELIX).


Information for Users on services and beam time can be found on the Users' Webpages

Submission of Beamtime Proposals

From 2021 on, submission of beamtime proposals to GSI is done via the platform GATE (General Access Tool to the Experimental infrastructures of GSI). With a personalized account users can submit proposals as Proposers, organize the experiment on site (Responsible Experimentalist) or participate in an experiment on the campus (Experimentalist).

Login to GATE at:

GATE Short Manual for Users: here.

Links zu Short Manuals for GATE for different roles in GATE are given here, and are linked in GATE, visible only  for the respective roles User, Internals, Referee.

GATE Short Manual for Users: here.

GATE Short Manual for Internal GATE User: here.

GATE Short Manual for Referees: here

GATE Glossary: here


Granted Experiments and Reserve List

Experiments with granted beamtime (i.e. ranked A) are listed in this table. It contains experiments in the status after granting and before completion/expiry, and gives number of granted shifts.

Experiments in the reserve list have been ranked A- due to large overdraft of beamtime. They might be scheduled if beamtime becomes available. 

Data are updated before and after a beamtime block.


Next PAC Meetings

Date of the next Meeting of G-PAC:  to be announced

Date of the last Meeting of Mat-PAC: to be announced

Date of the next Meeting of Bio-PAC: to be announced

Date of the next Meeting of PPAC: February 5-6, 2024 ('Call for Proposals' open up to November 07, 2023)


PAC Scientific Secretaries


Dr. Manuel Vogel

GSI, Darmstadt

Phone: +49-6159-71 2046

contact by E-Mail to: M.Vogel(at)



Dr. Karin Füssel

GSI, Darmstadt

Phone: +49-6159-71 1441

contact by E-Mail to: PPAC-Secretary



Dr. Ina Schubert

GSI, Darmstadt

Phone: +49-6159-71 2033

contact by E-Mail to: I.Schubert(at)



Dr. Karin Füssel

GSI, Darmstadt

Phone: +49-6159-71 1441

contact by E-Mail to: Bio-PAC-Secretary


Users Mailinglist

User that are registered in GATE ( and agree to this, will receive user-related information such as 'Calls for beamtime proposals'.

Additionally, there is the mailinglist 'GSI-Usersgroup @', for which users can register themselves. Through this mailinglist information e.g. on the summer student program or calls for contributions to the yearly scientific report will be communicated.

For registering to this mailinglist please click here. If you do not own a password for Listserv yet, please get one under this link and confirm it upon reception of the respective E-mail. This password is valid for all Listserv mailinglists to which you are subscribed. Once you have a password, please login to register to the users mailinglist (as regular subscriber). You will receive an E-mail with a link to confirm your registration. Upon finalization of the registration process you will receive a confirmation mail, incl. a link where in thre future you can remove your contact from the mailinglist yourself. For removal from the mailinglist, you can also contact Karin Füssel.

For information on mails sent to the users' mailinglist in the past you can check its archive.


General Data Protection Regulation GDPR (according to Art. 13 and 14 DSGVO): Staff Management Board GDPR english
