Abteilungsleitung | ||
Trautmann, Prof. Dr. Christina | | 06159-71 2716 |
Abteilungsleitung | ||
Trautmann, Prof. Dr. Christina | | 06159-71 2716 |
In December 2023, Maxim Saifulin successfully defended his dissertation on “Fast scintillating ZnO ceramics for relativistic heavy-ion beam diagnostics”.
The research project was carried out within the GSI Beam Diagnostic Group in close collaboration with the Materials Research Department and had the aim to develop a radiation-hard scintillation detector that can replace current plastic scintillators.
We congratulate Maxim and wish him all the best for his new position in the GSI Target Laboratory.
October 30, 2023 HGS-HIRe Awarding Ceremony, Foundation Giersch
We congratulate Dr. Verena Velthaus (left) on the Giersch Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis 2023 and our PhD student Christopher Schröck (center) on the Giersch-Excellence Award 2023.
30. Oktober 2023 HGS-HIRe Preisverleihung, Stiftung Giersch
Wir gratulieren Verena Velthaus (links) zum Giersch Award for Outstanding Doctoral Thesis 2023 und unserem Doktoranden Christopher Schröck (Mitte) zum Giersch-Excellence Award 2023.
Gratulation und Willkommensgruß
Herzlichen Glückwunsch an Pascal Simon zum erfolgreichen Abschluss seiner Promotion am 29. August 2023 an der TU Darmstadt. In seiner Doktorarbeit beschäftigte sich Pascal mit Kohlenstoff basierten Materialien für Hochleistungsbeschleunigerkomponenten, die extremen Strahlungsbedingungen ausgesetzt sind. Außerdem hat er die Lumineszenz-Eigenschaften von Diamanten unter Ionenbestrahlung untersucht.
Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Pascal seit November als Beamline Scientist unser Materialforschungsteam verstärkt. Seine 3-jährige Erfahrung am HighRadMat/CERN wird hierbei wertvolle Dienste leisten.
Gratulation and Welcome
Congratulations to Pascal Simon on the successful completion of his PhD thesis on August 29, 2023 at TU Darmstadt. In his thesis, Pascal investigated carbon-based materials for high-performance accelerator components that are exposed to extreme radiation conditions. He also investigated the luminescence properties of diamonds under ion irradiation.
We are thrilled that Pascal joined our materials research team as a beamline scientist in November. His 3 years of experience at the HighRadMat/CERN facility will be very valuable.