MAT collaboration
GSI Materials Research and its user community cover a large variety of interdisciplinary topics including fundamental studies on ion-matter interactions, materials characterization and development, experimental astrochemistry, radiation hardness of materials and devices, materials under high-pressure and nanoscience. A wide variety of materials comprising organic materials, ceramics, semiconductors, (semi)metals and other novel materials such as high-entropy alloys and 2D materials are investigated. Besides a variety of ex-situ characterization techniques, the department develops and operates six beamlines dedicated to materials research, which include online and in-situ analysis. Each year, more than forty groups perform experiments at our beamlines. The MAT collaboration is based on an extensive network of renowned national and international institutions comprising around 200 members from 27 countries.
If you plan to use the GSI/FAIR beams in the future, please join the collaboration. Via the MAT collaboration list we will keep you posted on relevant internal news, beam time calls and workshop announcements.
In the coming years the GSI accelerators will be extended by the new international Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), where scientists from all over the world will be able to perform experiments. FAIR research activities are organized within collaborations of four pillars covering the following topics
APPA (Atomic, Plasma Physics and Applications)
CBM (Compressed Baryonic Matter)
NUSTAR (Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions)
PANDA (AntiProton Annihilations at Darmstadt)
Materials science with swift heavy ions and related applied fields are included in the APPA pillar. APPA covers collaborations within atomic physics (SPARC and FLAIR), plasma physics (HED@FAIR), and biology (BIO) and materials science (MAT) represented by BIOMAT.
The existing beamlines at the UNILAC, SIS 18, and the new storage ring CRYRING will be complemented by a flexible target station in the new APPA cave. Thus, GSI-MAT will continue providing access to a wide range of different beam parameters, which in the future will also include highest intensities, and energies up to 10 GeV per nucleon.