
Diese Seite existiert momentan nur auf Englisch.

October 2005

A manuscript entitled "Nuclear Charge Radius of Li-11: Halo Neutron -- Core Interactions" by Rodolfo Sanchez and the ToPLiS collaboration has been submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (Get Preprint from arXiv)

June 2005

A Helmholtz Young-Investigators Group will be installed at the Johannes-Gutenberg University under the leadership of Dr. Wilfried Nörtershäuser (Press Release).

24. June 2005

Guido Ewald received his "Dr. rer nat." after an outstanding defense on his thesis entitled "Messung der Ladungsradien der radioaktiven Lithium-Isotope 8Li und 9Li ". Congratulations!

05.-10. June 2005

Dissembling and Packing of experiment at ISAC for Transport back to Germany. Thank you Mel!

April 2005

15. March 2005

Wilfried Nörtershäuser becomes leader of a Helmholtz Young Investigators Group (Press Release)

05.-19 Oct. 2004 - 2nd Radioactive Beamtime at ISAC

05.10.05: First Signal of 11Li
14.10.05, 2:30 am: Strong Signal of 11Li with New (Conventional) Target
Overall ~ 50,000 Counts Resonance Signal of 11Li Registered

01.-09. Sep. 2004 - 1st Radioactive Beamtime at ISAC

Remeasuring 8,9Li Isotope Shifts
Studies on Systematic Shifts due to AC Stark Effect

19. July 2004

8,9Li Publication Accepted by Physical Review Letters

26.-27. June 2004

First Test-Beamtime with Off-Line Ion Source

June 2004

Installation of Experiment at ISAC Low-Energy Beamline GP3 (TRIUMF, Vancouver)

01. June 2004

Experiment arrives at TRIUMF, Vancouver

20. May 2004

8,9Li Publication Submitted To Physical Review Letters

April 2004

Dissembling and Packing of experiment for Transport to Vancouver

05. - 14. Dec. 2003 - Beamtime at GSI Mass Separator

05.12.: First Signal of 8Li

07.12.: First Signal of 9Li

20. Nov. 2003

First Efficient Transport of Ti:Sa Laser Beam from Laser Laboratory to Mass Separator with LMA-20 Large Mode Area Photonic Fiber.

04. Nov. 2003

First Lithium Ion Beam on Graphite Catcher

October 2003

Setup of Experiment at GSI online Mass Separator

12. Aug 2003

First Off-Line Two-Photon Resonance Spectrum with the full experimental Setup.
