
10-14 June 2013: COOL"13, Mürren, Switzerland;


"Broadband Lasercooling of Relativistic C3+ Ions at the ESR" (D. Winters);


9 May 2013: Weiqiang Wen (IMP-CAS, Lanzhou, China) obtained his PhD. Congratulations!;


7-9 May 2013: China-Germany Symposium „Laser Cooling at Storage Rings“;


18 March 2013: DPG meeting (atomic physics), Hannover, Germany

„Broadband lasercooling of relativistic ions at the ESR“ (D. Winters);


2-7 Sept 2012, Heidelberg, Germany

"16th International Conference on the Physics of Highly Charged Ions"

(Beitrag von W. Wen);


9-16 Aug 2012: beamtime E089, Bussmann/Winters, C3+, 122 MeV/u, 100 mA, ESR;


July- Aug 2012: ESR beamtime preparations for experiment E089

HZDR team (Prof. Schramm) delivers and sets up the pulsed laser

TU-Darmstadt team (Prof. Walther) delivers and sets up the scanning cw-laser

W. Wen (IMP-CAS lanzhou) comes to GSI to prepare the experiment;


16 March 2012: DPG meeting (atomic physics), Stuttgart, Germany

„Laser Cooling and Optical Diagnostics for Relativistic Ion Beams“ (M. Bussmann);


3-12 Dec. 2011: Test run of the CSRe with a Neon Ion beam of 70MeV/u

The buncher, the new Schottky resonator and the new „scrapers“ were tested.;


31 Oct. 2011: Meeting "Laser cooling of C3+ at the ESR"

The teams from GSI, HZDR, Mainz University, and TU-Darmstadt were present.;


16 March 2011: DPG meeting (atomic physics), Dresden, Germany

„Overview of laser cooling of relativistic C3+ ion beams at ESR“ (M. Bussmann);


Aug. 2010: Workshop „Laser cooling of ion beams“ am IMP-CAS, Lanzhou, China;


24 July 2010: Work visit FZD Team (Bussmann, Siebold) to the TU-Darmstadt;


29 April 2010: Meeting on laser cooling at the ESR

The Teams of GSI, HZDR, Mainz University, and the TU-Darmstadt were present.;


27-29 April 2010: Work visit from FZD – M. Bussmann and W. Wen;


11 March 2010: DPG meeting (atomic physics), Hannover, Germany

„All-Optical Cooling and Diagnostics for Relativistic Ion Beams“ (M. Bussmann);


2 Dec 2009: Meeting on laser cooling at the ESR

Teams from GSI, HZDR, Uni Mainz and TU-Darmstadt are attending the meeting;


31 Aug. - 4 Sept. 2009: COOL"09 Lanzhou, China;


"All-Optical Ion Beam Cooling and Online Diagnostics at Relativistic

Energies" (M. Bussmann);


27 Feb 2009: G-PAC beamtime proposal – E089 Bussmann / Winters (request for 21 ESR shifts)

„Laser Cooling of C3+ ions at the ESR: preparations for the NESR and the SIS300“

The G-PAC granted all 21 shifts!  (4 shifts from the beamtime in 2004 and 2006 remain);


10-14 Sept. 2007: COOL"07 Bad Kreuznach, Germany;


"Schottky Noise Signal and Momentum Spread for Laser-Cooled Beams at

Relativistic Energies" (M. Bussmann)
