Beam Dynamics

The Beam Dynamics work package concerns the calculation and development of the ion-optics for the three branches of the Super-FRS, as well as simulations of, e.g., the beam spot size at detector and target locations for future NUSTAR RIB experiments. The principal ion-optical programs used are GICOSY, MIRKO and COSY-Infinity.

 For simulations we use MOCADI and LISE++.The ion-optics should satisfy the Super-FRS design parameters  and are based on the layout of the magnets, called the lattice, see figure below.

The magnetic elements involved are bending magnets, focusing quadrupoles – arranged in doublets or triplets – and higher-order correcting magnets: sextupoles and octupoles. There are also several small dipole magnets along the path of the Super-FRS to act as vertical steerers. For the Super-FRS, all these magnets are large-aperture, iron-dominated and have super-conducting coils.

 The Beam Dynamics work package really begins with the beamline Focusing System, the last section of the coupling beamline from the synchrotrons to the Super-FRS target, FPF0.  The Super-FRS itself starts from that production target. The first fragment-selection stage is the Pre-Separator.  Then come the three branches of the Super-FRS - the High Energy Branch, the Low Energy Branch and the Ring Branch - are treated separately, because they each have their own particular ion-optical characteristic.
