Particle identification
The standard Super-FRS detectors will cover the whole acceptance of the separator, a large dynamic range, and will operate at rate as high as possible, typically 1-10 MHz. The identification in charge number Z and mass number A is accomplished by a combined event-by-event analysis of magnetic rigidity, time of flight and energy-loss of the fragments (Bρ-ToF-ΔE method). For better separations and collimation of the ion/fragments beams a dedicated slit system has been developed.
Using fission fragments of uranium beam will be of the highest scientific interest. Hence, it is mandatory to equip the Super-FRS with a detecting system which is able to efficiently identify the fission products. In particular, the fragment velocities need to be reconstructed with a ToF resolution better than σToF =50 ps. High position resolution (σx around 0.5 mm) is also needed to get a clean separation of the heavier masses, as shown in the results of Monte Carlo simulations in the uranium range.

After the replacement of former Russian in-kind contributions to FAIR and the adaptation to Early Science, a ToF system based on plastic scintillator detectors is currently developed “in-house”.