50 years GSI
In 2019 the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung celebrates its 50th birthday. On 17 december 1969, the former Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung was founded. Here you will find an overview of several activities for the anniversary year.
Open House 2017
In May 2017 an Open House took place at FAIR and GSI. Approximately 11,000 visitors took the opportunity to learn more about the existing accelerators and experiments as well as the FAIR accelerator facility which is currently under construction.
GSI ScienceTweetup
On Dezember 5th 2013 the GSI #ScienceTweetup took place in Darmstadt.
Eleven participants were the first visitors since 1990 to get the opportunity to visit the circular accelerator SIS18. In addition they found out more about GSI during a guided tour, a science speed dating and an applied part in the target laboratory.