- Extended Hamiltonian-Lagrange formalism and its application to Feynman's path integral for relativistic quantum physics
J. Struckmeier
International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 18 (2009) 79-108
- Covariant Hamiltonian field theory
J. Struckmeier, A. Redelbach
International Journal of Modern Physics E, Vol. 17 (2008) 435-491
- Energy-second-moment map analysis as an approach to quantify the irregularity of Hamiltonian systems
J. Struckmeier, A. Redelbach
Physical Review E 74 (2006) 026209/1-026209/12
- Energy-second-moment map: A new means for the regularity analysis of Hamiltonian systems
- Einstein year 2005: The Lorentz transformation as a canonical transformation in the extended phase space
- Ion beam optics
- Hamiltonian dynamics on the symplectic extended phase space for autonomous and non-autonomous systems
- Regular and chaotic motion
- Grundlagen der Ionenoptik
- Hamilton-Mechanik im „erweiterten Phasenraum“
- Der „erweiterte Phasenraum“ und seine Anwendungen
- Hamilton-Mechanik im erweiterten Phasenraum
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- Hamiltonian mechanics in the 'extended' phase space
- Noether’s theorem and Lie symmetries for time-dependent Hamilton-Lagrange systems
J. Struckmeier, C. Riedel
Physical Review E 66 (2002) 066605/1-066605/12
- Hamiltonian systems of charged particles in discrete and continuous description
Habilitationsschrift (2002) FB Physik, JWG-Universität, Frankfurt am Main
- Noether’s theorem and invariants for time-dependent Hamilton-Lagrange systems
- Canonical transformations and exact invariants for time-dependent Hamiltonian systems
J. Struckmeier, C. Riedel
Ann. Phys. 11 (2002) 15-38
- Canonical transformations and invariants in time-dependent classical Hamilton systems
- Entropy growth (in computer simulations of Hamiltonian systems)
- Direct validation technique for numerical simulations of time-dependent Hamiltonian systems
J. Struckmeier, C. Riedel
Proceedings of PAC (2001) Chicago, Illinois, USA
- Invariants for time-dependent Hamiltonian systems
J. Struckmeier, C. Riedel
Physical Review E 64 (2001) 026503/1-026503/9
- Invarianten für zeitabhängige Hamilton-Systeme
- Analytical approaches for the dynamics of charged particle beams
- Intra-beam scattering
- Exact invariants for a class of three-dimensional time-dependent classical Hamiltonians
J. Struckmeier, C. Riedel
Physical Review Letters 85 (2000) 3830-383