Accelerator Setting and Set Value Generation

  • Opendigitizer: Digitizer modernisation using openCMW and GNU radio 4.0 for FAIR
    B. Balazs, A. Krimm, G. Camuffo, F. Osterfeld, R. Steinhagen, D. Ondreka, I. Cukic
    Proceedings of IPAC (2023) Venice, Italy, doi:10.15120/GSI-2023-01087
  • GNU Radio 4.0 For Real-Time Signal-Processing and Feedback Applications at FAIR
    R.J. Steinhagen, M. Kretz, A. Krimm, D. Kozel, J. Morman, I. Čukić, F. Osterfeld
    Proceedings of IPAC (2023) Venice, Italy
  • Studying X-Ray Spectra of the SIS18 Electrostatic Septa to measure their electric field
    B. Gålnander, E. Kozlova, D. Ondreka, A. Sokolov, P. Spiller, J. Stadlmann
    Proceedings of IPAC (2021) Virtual, Brazil
  • Advanced Concepts and Technologies for Heavy Ion Synchrotrons
    P. Spiller, O. Boine-Frankenheim, L. Bozyk, S. Klammes, H. Kollmus, D. Ondreka, I. Pongrac, N. Pyka, C. Roux, K. Sugita, S. Wilfert, T. Winkler, D. Winters
    Proceedings of IPAC (2021) Virtual, Brazil
  • OpenCMW - A Modular Open Common Middle-Ware Library for Equipment- and Beam-Based Control Systems at FAIR
    R. Steinhagen, H. Bräuning, D. Day, A. Krimm, T. Milosic, D. Ondreka, A. Schwinn
    Proceedings of ICALEPCS (2021) Shanghai, China
  • The FAIR Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS100
    R. Balss, P. Bartolome, J. Blaurock, U. Blell, O. Boine-Frankenheim, L. Bozyk, M. Chorowski, T. Eisel, M. Frey, T. Giacomini, F. Kaether, H. Khodzhibagiyan, S. Klammes, H. Klingbeil, H.G. König, V. Kornilov, P. Kowina, D. Lens, J.P. Meier, D. Ondreka, I. Petzenhauser, V. Plyusnin, I. Pongrac, N. Pyka, V. Raginel, P. Rottlaender, C. Roux, J. Schmidt, M. Schwickert, P. Spiller, K. Sugita, A. Szwangruber, P. Szwangruber, R. Trockel, A. Waldt, H. Welker, S. Wilfert, T. Winkler, D. Winters
    JINST, Journal of Instrumentation 15 (2020) 12, T12013,
  • Accelerator Operations
    M. Lamont, J. Wenninger, R. Steinhagen, R. Tomás García, R. Garoby, R.W. Assmann, O. Brüning, M. Hostettler, H. Damerau
    Springer Open: Particle Physics Reference Library 3 (2020) 519 - 583
  • Recommissioning of SIS18 after FAIR Upgrades
    D. Ondreka, C. Dimopoulou, H.C. Hüther, H. Liebermann, J. Stadlmann, R.J. Steinhagen
    Proceedings of IPAC (2019) Melbourne, Australia
  • Generic Digitization of Analog Signals at FAIR - First Prototype Results at GSI
    R.J. Steinhagen, R.C. Bär, A. Franke, A. Krimm, K. Lüghausen, D. Ondreka, A. Schwinn, M. Thieme
    Proceedings of IPAC (2019) Melbourne, Australia
  • Redesign of the JavaFX Charts Library in View of Real-Time Visualisation of Scientific Data
    R.J. Steinhagen, H. Bräuning, A. Krimm, T. Milosic
    Proceedings of IPAC (2019) Melbourne, Australia
  • Challenges of FAIR Phase 0
    M. Bai, A. Adonin, S. Appel, R.C. Bär, M.C. Bellachioma, U. Blell, C. Dimopoulou, G. Franchetti, O. Geithner, P. Gerhard, L. Groening, F. Herfurth, R. Heß, R. Hollinger, H. Schreiber, M.  Schwickert, D. Severin, R. Singh, P.J. Spiller, J. Stadlmann, M.Steck, R.J. Steinhagen, K. Tinschert, M. Vossberg, G. Walter, U. Weinrich
    Proceedings of IPAC (2018) Vancouver, Canada
  • Closed Orbit Feedback for FAIR - Prototype Tests at SIS18
    B.R. Schlei, H. Liebermann, D. Ondreka, P. Spiller, R.J. Steinhagen
    Proceedings of IPAC (2017) Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Beam-Based Feedbacks for FAIR - Prototyping at the SIS18
    R.J. Steinhagen, J. Fitzek, H. C. Hüther, H. Liebermann, R. Müller, D. Ondreka, H. Reeg, B.R. Schlei, P. Spiller
    Proceedings of IPAC (2017) Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Overcoming the Space Charge Limit: Development of an Electron Lens for SIS18
    D. Ondreka, P. Spiller, K. Schulte
    Proceedings of IPAC (2017) Copenhagen, Denmark
  • FAIR Control Centre (FCC)- Concepts and Interim Options for the existing GSI Main Control Room
    M. Vossberg, K. Berkl, S. Reimann, P. Schütt, R.J. Steinhagen, G. Stephan
    Proceedings of IPAC (2017) Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Evaluation of strip-line pick-up system for the SPS wideband transverse feedback system
    M. Vossberg, K. Berkl, S. Reimann, P. Schütt, R.J. Steinhagen, G. Stephan
    Proceedings of IBIC 2013, Oxford, UK; Published (2017)
  • SIS100 Availability and Machine Protection
    C. Omet, H. Kisker, M.S. Mandakovic, D. Ondreka, P. Spiller, R.J. Steinhagen
    Proceedings of IPAC (2016) Busan, Korea
  • Generic Settings Generation for FAIR: First Experience at SIS18
    H. Liebermann, D. Ondreka, J. Fitzek, R. Müller
    Proceedings of IPAC (2015) Richmond VA, USA
  • Setting Generation for FAIR
    D. Ondreka, J. Fitzek, H. Liebermann, R. Müller
    Proceedings of IPAC (2012) New Orleans, LA, USA
  • First steps towards FAIR controls
    P. Schütt, U. Krause, R. Bär, B. Franczak, L. Hechler, A. Redelbach, S. Richter, V. Schaa, W. Schiebel (2005)
