- Series Production of the SIS100 Cryocatchers
L. Bozyk, Sh. Ahmed, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2021) Virtual, Brazil
- Design of the Cryogenic Bypass Line for the SIS100 Synchrotron
A. Iluk, K. Malcher, W. Słomski, M. Chorowski, J. Polinski, T. Eisel, B. Streicher, P. Spiller
Appl. Sci. 2020, 10 (22), 8311
- Investigations on Cryopanels in the room temperature Heavy Ion Synchrotron SIS18
L. Bozyk, S. Aumüller, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2019) Melbourne, Australia
- The First-of-Series SIS100 Cryocatcher
L. Bozyk, Sh. Ahmed, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2018) Vancouver, Canada
- Intense Heavy Ion Beam-Induced Material Evaporation and the resulting Dynamic Vacuum Deterioration of the Beam Line
J. Ren, Y. Zhao, L. Bozyk, C. Maurer, A. Blazevic, P. Spiller, G. Xiao, D. H.H. Hoffmann
NIM B 429 (2018) 48-52
- Ionization Loss and Dynamic Vacuum in Heavy Ion Synchrotrons
L. H. J. Bozyk, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2017) Copenhagen, Denmark
- Development of a cryocatcher prototype and measurement of cold desorption
L. Bozyk, D.H.H. Hoffmann, H. Kollmus, P.Spiller
Laser and Particle Beams 34 (2016) 394-401
- Technologies for Stabilizing the Dynamic Vacuum and Charge Related Beam Loss in Heavy Ion Synchrotrons
P. Spiller, L. Bozyk, C. Omet, I. Pongrac, St. Wilfert
Proceedings of IPAC (2016) Busan, Korea
- Cryogenic and Electrical Distribution System of the SIS100 at FAIR
T. Eisel, M. Kauschke, H. Kollmus, C. Omet, P. Spiller, B. Streicher, M. Chorowski, A. Iluk, K. Malcher, J. Polinski
Proceedings of IPAC (2016) Busan, Korea
- Pumping Properties of Cryogenic Surfaces in SIS100
L. Bozyk, P. Spiller, O. Kester, F. Chill
Proceedings of IPAC (2015) Richmond, VA, USA
- Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Heavy Ion Induced Desorption from Cryogenic Targets
Ch. Maurer, L. Bozyk, H. Kollmuss, P. Spiller, D. H.H. Hoffmann
Proceeding of IPAC (2015) Richmond, VA, USA
- Improving the Energy Efficiency of Accelerator Facilities
M. Seidel, E. Jensen, T.I. Parker, P. Spiller, J. Stadlmann, R. Gehring
Proceeding of IPAC (2015) Richmond, VA, USA
- Measurement of Beam Ionization Loss in SIS18
L. Bozyk, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2014) Dresden, Germany
- Heavy Ion Induced Desorption Measurements on Cryogenic Targets
Ch. Maurer, D.H.H. Hoffmann, L. Bozyk, H. Kollmus, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2014) Dresden, Germany
- Systematic Measurement of the Pumping Capabilities of Cryogenic Surfaces
F. Chill, L. Bozyk, P. Spiller, O. Kester
Proceedings of IPAC (2014) Dresden, Germany
- Energy Efficiency of Particle Accelerators - A Network within the EuCARD2 Program
J. Stadlmann, P. Spiller, R. Gehring, E. Jensen, T. Parker, M. Seidel
Proceedings of IPAC (2014) Dresden, Germany - Initial Beam Loss and Control of Dynamic Vacuum Effects in SIS18
Y. El Hayek, U. Ratzinger, P. Spiller, D. Ondreka, M. Kirk
Proceedings of IPAC (2013) Shanghai, China
- Development of a Cryocatcher-System for SIS100
L. Bozyk, P. Spiller, H. Kollmus
Proceedings of IPAC (2012) New Orleans, LA, USA
- Construction and Test of a Cryocatcher Prototype for SIS100
L. Bozyk, D.H.H. Hoffmann, H. Kollmus, P. Spiller, M. Wengenroth
Proceedings of IPAC (2011) San Sebastián, Spain
- Overview of EuCARD Accelerator and Material Research at GSI
J. Stadlmann, H. Kollmus, E. Mustafin, N. Pyka, P. Spiller, I. Strasik, N.A. Tahir, M. Tomut, C. Trautmann, L. Bozyk
Proceedings of IPAC (2011) San Sebastián, Spain
- Dynamic Vacuum Stability in SIS100
P. Puppel, U. Ratzinger, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2011) San Sebastián, Spain - Construction of a Cryocatcher Prototype for SIS100
L. Bozyk, D.H.H. Hoffmann, H. Kollmus, P. Spiller
GSI-Report (2010)
- Simulation of the Long Term Beam Intensity Performance of the NEG-Coated SIS18
P. Puppel, P. Spiller, U. Ratzinger
Proceedings of ICFA HB (2010) Morschach, Switzerland
- Simulation of Au32+ Beam Losses due to Charge Exchange and Dynamic Vacuum in Nuclotron Booster
A.V. Philippov, G.V. Trubnikov, A.O. Sidorin, V.A. Mikhaylov, A.B. Kuznetsov, P. Puppel, P. Spiller
Proceedings of RUPAC (2010) Protvino, Russia
- Acceleration of Intermediate Charge State Heavy Ions in SIS18
P. Spiller, L. Bozyk, H. Eickhoff, H. Kollmus, P. Puppel, H. Reich-Sprenger
Proceedings of IPAC (2010) Kyoto, Japan
- Collimation and Material Science Studies (ColMaT) at GSI
J. Stadlmann, L. Bozyk, H. Kollmus, M. Krause, E. Mustafin, I. Petzenhauser, P. Spiller, I. Strasik, N. Tahir, M. Tomut, C. Trautmann
Proceedings of IPAC (2010) Kyoto, Japan
- StrahlSim, A Computer Code for the Simulation of Charge Exchange
Beam Loss and Dynamic Vacuum in Heavy Ion Synchrotrons
P. Puppel, P. Spiller, L. Bozyk, U. Ratzinger
Proceedings of IPAC (2010) Kyoto, Japan
- Development of a Cryocatcher Prototype for SIS100
L. Bozyk, D.H.H. Hoffmann, P. Spiller, H. Kollmus
Proceedings of IPAC (2010) Kyoto, Japan
- Synchrotron operation with intermediate charge state heavy ion beams
P.J. Spiller, L. Bozyk, P. Puppel, J. Stadlmann
Proceedings of PAC (2009) Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Beam lifetimes and ionization cross sections of U28+
G. Weber, C. Omet, R.D. DuBois, O. de Lucio, Th. Stöhlker et al.
Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators and Beams 12 (2009) 084201/1-5
- Beam lifetimes for low-charge-state heavy ions in the GSI storage rings
R.D. DuBois, O. de Lucio, M. Thomason, G. Weber, Th. Stöhlker et al.
NIM B 261 (2007) 230-233
- FAIR synchrotron operation with low charge state heavy ions
C. Omet, D.H.H. Hoffmann, P. Spiller
Proceedings of PAC (2007) Albuquerque, NM, USA
- Beam losses, energy deposition and residual gas pressure dynamics for different positions of the SIS90 collimators
C. Omet, K. Blasche, A. Krämer, J. Stadlmann, P. Spiller
GSI Document (2005) Doc-2005-Oct-94-1
- Optimization of the SIS100 lattice and a dedicated collimation system for ionisation losses
P. Spiller, K. Blasche, B. Franczak, J. Stadlmann, C. Omet
Proceedings of ICFA HB (2004) Bensheim, Hessen, Germany
- Loss calculations for an ion beam under dynamic vacuum conditions in a circular accelerator
C. Omet, P. Spiller
GSI Accelerator Report (2004) GSI-Acc-Report-2004-12-001
- R&D vacuum issues of the future GSI accelerator facilities
H. Reich-Sprenger, H. Kollmus, A. Krämer, M. Bender, J. Kurdal, M.C. Bellachiamo, P. Spiller
Proceedings of EPAC (2004) Lucerne, Switzerland
- A theory of the beam loss-induced vacuum instability applied to the heavy-ion synchrotron SIS18
E. Mustafin, O. Boine-Frankenheim, I. Hofmann, H. Reich-Sprenger, P. Spiller
NIM A 510 (2003) 199-205
- Vacuum instability in the SIS18
E. Mustafin, O. Boine-Frankenheim,
I. Hofmann, H. Reich-Sprenger, P. Spiller (2002)
- Vorschlag für einen Kollimatorpumpstand zur gezielten Beseitigung von Desorptionsgasen
P. Spiller
GSI Accelerator Report (2001) GSI-SIS18-02-02