%%% ======================================================================
%%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
%%%     filename        = "setspace.sty",
%%%     version         = "6.4",
%%%     date            = "Thu 26 November 1998",
%%%     time            = "20:54 UT+11",
%%%     author          = "Geoffrey Tobin",
%%%     address         = "Department of Electronic Engineering
%%%                        Faculty of Science and Technology
%%%                        La Trobe University
%%%                        Bundoora VIC 3124
%%%                        Australia",
%%%     email           = "G.Tobin@latrobe.edu.au (Internet)",
%%%     telephone       = "(+ 613) 479-3736",
%%%     FAX             = "(+ 613) 479-3025",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     archived        = "CTAN",
%%%     distribution    = "freely redistributable",
%%%     keywords        = "LaTeX package, line spacing",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     checksum        = "18348 516 2446 20426",
%%%     docstring       = "setspace.sty is a LaTeX (2e) package.
%%%                        Comments and bug reports welcome!
%%%                        This includes GDG's modification to Erica Harris'
%%%                        setspace.sty.  The main aspects of this
%%%                        modification deal with the definitions of
%%%                        \singlespacing \onehalfspacing, and
%%%                        \doublespacing, (these are near the beginning of
%%%                        the file).  Primarily, these deal with adding
%%%                        fontsize changes to guarantee that the new
%%%                        baseline is properly defined and placed into
%%%                        action.  The extra \vskip in the definition of
%%%                        \singlespacing seems to  make for a cleaner
%%%                        transition from multiple spacing back to single
%%%                        spacing.  These did not appear warrranted for
%%%                        other size changes.
%%%                        Modified by GDG on November 1, 1992, to allow
%%%                        for use of New Font Selection Scheme.
%%%                        Modified by GDG on June 4, 1993, to correct
%%%                        for spacing tokens in definition of \@setsize
%%%                        Thanks to Kaja P. Christiansen
%%%                        for the fix!!
%%%                        Modified by GDG on May 24, 1994, to change toggle
%%%                        definition from \selectfont to \@newbaseline.
%%%                        Modified by GDG on May 25, 1994, to add
%%%                        definition of \everydisplay -- this part of
%%%                        the code was apparently written by Geoffrey
%%%                        Tobin on Thu 23 Jan 1992 and was provided by
%%%                        stanton@haas.berkeley.edu (Richard Stanton).
%%%                        This should help with some of the awkward math
%%%                        placements in changing spacings.
%%%                        Modified by GT on 23 Jan 1996, to correct
%%%                        \everymath bug, first reported by Mario
%%%                        Wolczko  on 9 June 1992.
%%%                        Modified by GT on 23 Jan 1996, to correct
%%%                        usage of comment characters in macro
%%%                        definitions.
%%%                        Modified by GT on 23 Jan 1996, to update
%%%                        (adjusted) \@xfloat definition for LaTeX2e.
%%%                        Bug report was courtesy of Kay Nettle.
%%%                        Modified by GT on 24 Jan 1996, to update
%%%                        (adjusted) \@footnotetext definition for
%%%                        LaTeX2e, and to add an adjusted LaTeX2e
%%%                        \@mpfootnotext definition for minipages.
%%%                        Bug report was courtesy Kay Nettle.
%%%                        Changed by GT on 6 Feb 1996, into a LaTeX2e
%%%                        package.
%%%                        Made more package-like by GT on 14 Feb 1996,
%%%                        by adding standard messages.
%%%                        GT replaced \@normalsize by \normalsize on 28
%%%                        Sep 1996.  This change was successively
%%%                        advised by:
%%%                          Rowland J.~Bartlett
%%%                          on Tue 6 Aug 96,
%%%                          Ted Stern
%%%                          on Wed 7 Aug 96,
%%%                          Michal Jaegermann
%%%                          on Fri 27 Sep 96.
%%%                        GT:  Sat 28 Sep 1996:  Added call to
%%%                        \setspace@size in \setstretch, as suggested
%%%                        by David Hull
%%%                        on Wed 24 July 1996.
%%%                        GT:  Sat 28 Sep 1996:  Pared \setspace@size
%%%                        mercilessly down to \@currsize, following
%%%                        advice given on Fri 27 Sep 1996 by Michal
%%%                        Jaegermann .
%%%                        Retained this macro for flexibility.
%%%                        Code rearranged by GT, Sat 28 Sep 1996, to give
%%%                        greater prominence to \setstretch.
%%%                        Also, GT changed (Sat 28 Sep 1996) many
%%%                        occurrences of \def to \newcommand,
%%%                        \renewcommand, or \newenvironment,
%%%                        as seemed appropriate.
%%%                        GT, Tue 10 Dec 1996:  Following a suggestion
%%%                        by Ted Stern, the `single' spacing is now
%%%                        settable by the user.  This is for slightly
%%%                        large fonts such as Lucida Bright.
%%%                        GT, Wed 11 Dec 1996:  For simplicity and
%%%                        maintainability, call \onehalfspacing in
%%%                        the onehalfspace environment, and
%%%                        \doublespacing in the doublespace
%%%                        environment.
%%%                        GT, Wed 11 Dec 1996:  Also deleted
%%%                        \setspace@size from \setstretch,
%%%                        as \@currsize suffices.
%%%                        Modified by Brett Presnell
%%%                         on 21 Mar 1998
%%%                        to add nodisplayskipstretch option, which
%%%                        turns off the stretching of the space
%%%                        before and after displays, which is often
%%%                        excessive, particularly with doublespaced
%%%                        documents.  Also added the
%%%                        setdisplayskipstretch command, which allows
%%%                        the user to choose by how much to stretch
%%%                        the space before and after displays
%%%                        independently from the setting of
%%%                        baselinestretch.  This works regardless of
%%%                        whether the nodisplayskipstretch option is
%%%                        in effect.
%%%                        GT, Wed 15 Apr 1998:  Added the singlespace*
%%%                        environment requested by
%%%                        Mark Olesen
%%%                        on Sat 24 May 1997 and Wed 18 June 1997.
%%%                        This is reported to give improved vertical
%%%                        spacing around itemize and quote environments.
%%%                        GT, Wed 15 Apr 1998:  David Hull pointed out on
%%%                        Fri 12 Dec 1997 that the \belowdisplayskip line
%%%                        in the \everydisplay was mistyped.  Now fixed.
%%%                        GT, Thu 26 Nov 1998:  Finally got round to
%%%                        fixing the absence of \begingroup from
%%%                        onehalfspace and doublespace environments.
%%%                        Thanks to:  Bernd Schandl, Ron Smith,
%%%                        Himanshu Gohel, and Kevin Ruland, for bringing
%%%                        it to my long overdue attention.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility."
%%% }
%%% ======================================================================
%% FILE:   setspace.sty in SYS2.TEX.PUB.ISULATEX.STYLES
%% AUTHOR: Erica M. S. Harris
%% DATE:   April 1990
%% MOD:    March 1991
%%% Update to LaTeX (2e) :  6 Feb 1996.
%%% Description:  LaTeX Document Package "setspace"
%%% Usage:
%%%                \documentclass[...]{...}
%%%                \usepackage{setspace}
%%         Based on the doublespace option created by Stephen Page.
%%         This style option provides commands and environments for doing
%%         double and  one-and-a-half spacing based on pt size.
%%         Single spacing is the default.
%%         Three commands, \singlespacing, \onehalfspacing, and
%%         \doublespacing, are for use in the preamble to set the overall
%%         spacing for the document. If a different spacing is required then
%%         the \setstretch{baselinestretch} command can be used in the
%%         preamble to set the baselinestretch appropriately.  The default
%%         spacing with this style option is single spacing.
%%         Three environments, singlespace, onehalfspace, and doublespace,
%%         allow the spacing to be changed within the document.  Both the
%%         onehalfspace and doublespace environments are intended to increase
%%         the spacing, so the onehalfspace environment should not be used in
%%         a double spaced document.  If an increased spacing different from
%%         one-and-a-half or double spacing is required then the spacing
%%         environment can be used.  The spacing environment takes one
%%         argument which is the larger baselinestretch to use,
%%         e.g., \begin{spacing}{2.5}.
%%         \footins is adjusted the same as \parskip - appears to work. Lose
%%         stretch parts but don't consider that to be crucial
%%         Removed code for altering spacing before and after displayed
%%         equations - just looked too much.
%% MODS:
%%         Redefinition of \spacing and \endspacing for consistency with
%%         TeX 3.x inserted by George Greenwade.  Modification provided by
%%         Philip Ross (ROSS@UK.AC.ABDN.BIOMED) and John Byrne via INFO-TeX.
%%   Old Documentation follows:
%%         1. A new environment "singlespace" is provided, within which single
%%            spacing will apply.
%%            JFL - changed so that it works in regular text and so that
%%            vertical space before and after is correctly computed
%%         2. Double spacing is turned off within footnotes and floats (figures
%%            and tables).
%%         3. Proper double spacing happens below tabular environments and in
%%            other places where LaTeX uses a strut.
%%         4. Slightly more space is inserted before footnotes.
%%         5. JFL - fixes spacing before and after displayed math
%%    mods:   Jean-Francois Lamy
%%            lamy@ai.toronto.edu
%%            lamy@utai.uucp
%%    . Increasing struts may possibly cause some other obscure part of
%%      formatting to fall over.
%%    . \begin{singlespace}\begin{quote} produces the wrong spacing before
%%      the quote (extra glue is inserted).

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