Space Radiation Summer School
September 15 - October 1, 2019

ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School
Part I – ESOC
Room K112, Building K, 1st floor

Sunday, September 15
Monday, September 16
09:30 Welcome
Goal of the course, practical information
Thomas Reiter, Paolo Giubellino, ESOC-GSI
10:30 Living in Space
Thomas Reiter, ESA
12:00 Lunch at ESOC
14:00 Science in Space Environment
Jennifer Ngo-Anh, ESA-ESTEC
16:00 Space radiation risk
Marco Durante, GSI
17:00 How to promote space science
Christophe Carreau, ESA-ESOC
18:00 Welcome party
Tuesday, September 17
9:30 Cell biology and astrobiology: ESA activities
Leonardo Surdo, ESA-ESTEC
10:30 Human physiology in space
Giuseppe Correale, ESA-ESTEC
11:30 Activities at ESOC
Andreas Rudolph, ESA-ESOC
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Monte Carlo methods in space radiation
Martina Giraudo, THALES Alenia Space
16:30 Shielding – part I
Martina Giraudo, THALES Alena Space
17:30 End of day 3
Wednesday, September 18
9:30 Space Radiation environment
Thomas Berger, DLR
11:30 Radiation effects and human ocular lens research
Matthias Dieckmann, ESA-ESTEC
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Space radiation dosimetry - physics
Thomas Berger, DLR
16:30 Shielding – part II
Daria Boscolo, GSI
17:30 End of day 4
Thursday, September 19
9:30 Human Space Flight, Ionizing Radiation and the Flight Surgeon
Uli Straube, ESA-EAC
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Modelling the space radiation environment
Giovanni Santin, ESA-ESTEC
15:30 Guided Tour of ESOC
Group photo - I
17:30 End of day 5
Friday, September 20
9:30 Microelectronics and radiation hardness
Giovanni Santin, ESA-ESTEC
11:30 Introduction to Radiation Biology
Sarah Baatout, SCK-CEN
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Space Radiation Biology
Sarah Baatout, SCK-CEN
16:00 Radiation-induced DNA damage
Markus Löbrich, TU Darmstadt
17:30 End of day 6
Saturday, September 21
Preparation of the test
Sunday, September 22
Guided tour of Darmstadt
End of part I
ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School
Part II - GSI

Monday, September 23
(Room: SB1 1.201 - Seitenraum Hörsaal)
09:30 Welcome
Karheinz Langanke, GSI
10:00 Applied physics at FAIR
Radek Pleskac, FAIR
11:00 Safety training
12:00 Lunch at GSI
14:00 Test on part I
16:00 Laboratory activities
Bio experiments:
Survival curves
Chromosome aberrations
DNA damage analysis
Physics experiments:
Thermoluminescence dosimetry
Positron emission tomography + computer tomography
Alpha/gamma spectroscopy + muon decay
17:30 End of day 9
Tuesday, September 24
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
9:30 Particle accelerators
Mei Bai, GSI
11:30 Cosmic ray simulation at accelerators
Christoph Schuy, GSI
12:30 Lunch
14:30 Visit of the GSI/FAIR facility
Radiobiology laboratory activities/teamwork assignment
17:30 End of day 10
Wednesday, September 25
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
9:30 Introduction to particle therapy
Gerhard Kraft, GSI
11:30 Therapy and space
Marco Durante, GSI
12:30 Lunch
Radiobiology laboratory activities/ / teamwork assignment
17:30 End of day 11
Thursday, September 26
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
Physics laboratory activities / teamwork assignment
12:30 Lunch
Radiobiology laboratory activities / teamwork assignment
17:30 End of day 12
Friday, September 27
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
Radiobiology laboratory activities / teamwork assignment
12:30 Lunch
Teamwork data analysis
Preparation of a beamtime application
17:30 End of day 13
Saturday, September 28
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
Preparation of the final discussion
Sunday, September 29
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
Preparation of the final discussion
18:00 Farewell party
Orangerie, Darmstadt
Introduction: Dr. Jan Wörner, General Director, ESA
Monday, September 30
(Room: SB1 1.201 - Seitenraum Hörsaal)
Seminars on teamwork assignments / beam-time proposals
Teamwork assignments’ evaluation
End of day 16
Tuesday, October 1
(Room:SB3 3.170a - Theorieseminarraum)
Beam time proposals evaluation
Tests evaluation
Diploma awarding
11:45 Group photo - II
12:00 End of the course - departures
End of day 17