Corruption Prevention

The guideline of the Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) on the prevention of corruption in the federal administration must be applied to GSI GmbH and FAIR GmbH, as both GmbHs are recipients of federal funding.


That's why it is important to us that we learn about and respond to potential law violations that could occur from within our company in a timely manner. As an employee, you may be the first to notice such a violation. Therefore, we ask you to inform us in such a case.

Corruption Prevention Officer GSI GmbH and FAIR GmbH

Karin Scheller
Phone: +49-6159-71-1986
Mobile: +49-174-328-1331
Email: k.scheller(at), karin.scheller(at)

Instead of the mailboxes for whistleblowers since June 2023 you are able to use a digital system. Please note announcement and how-to-pdf in German and English language as given below.

GSI and FAIR GmbH are fully committed to complying with the law. Acting in accordance with the law is a matter of course for us.


That's why it is important to us that we learn about and respond to potential law violations that could occur from within our company in a timely manner. As an employee, you may be the first to notice such a violation. Therefore, we ask you to inform us in such a case.


It is also part of our self-concept that an employee who would disclose such a grievance to us would not experience any reprisals on his part, regardless of the nature of the legal violation he brings to our attention. With the German Whistleblower Protection Act (Hinweisgeberschutzgesetz, HinSchG), which transposes the so-called EU Whistleblower Directive into German law, such protection is also enshrined in German law.

The  neutral platform is available for transmitting such clues. The platform ist provieded by an external, up-to-date platform via secur server. Since 3 July 2023, clues can be given to GSI and FAIR via digital reporting system.

If you wish to submit a report, a form is available on the platform. If necessary, you can also upload files and leave voice messages there. When submitting a clue, you will automatically receive 16-digits random number code and must set a password. With this random code and password, you can log in again at a later time, view our feedback to you and, if necessary, also answer a query we may still have.

You have two options with regard to the anonymity of a tip in the digital system:

  1. You disclose your identity. We will of course ensure that your report is treated confidentially throughout the entire process.
  2. You choose anonymity. Then nobody can identify you. In these cases, we can also use the secure mailbox to send you queries and information on the current status of your report.

You will find the corresponding checkboxes in the information form online.

In connection with the issue of confidentiality, we would like to point out for the sake of completeness that in exceptional cases we may be obliged to disclose information to investigating authorities due to an official or court order or due to mandatory law.

All messages are strictly confidential. For further information, please refer to the privacy policy posted on the portal.

The whistleblower system must not be used for false accusations. Reporting false information knowingly is prohibited. Defamation such as libel and slander e.g. are punishable criminal offences following $ 186 StGB (German Penal Code).

