Whistleblowing & LkSG

GSI and FAIR GmbH are fully committed to complying with the law. Acting in accordance with the law is a matter of course for us.

That’s why it is important to us that we learn about and respond to potential law violations that could occur from within our company in a timely manner. As an employee, you may be the first to notice such a violation. Therefore, we ask you to inform us in such a case.


Violations can cover a variety of topics, such as criminal offences, violations of requirements for the safe transport of dangerous goods, violations of requirements for radiation protection and nuclear safety, violations of legal provisions on the protection of personal data or applicable regulations in connection with the award of public contracts, violations of human rights or environmental obligations under the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act as well as violations of tax regulations. This also covers non-observance of the rules to ensure good scientific practice.

More detailed information on selected topics can be found on the respective intranet sites as maintained by the key contacts listed thereon.

Within our companies, various contact points are available to raise your concerns and speak about a potential violation. Furthermore, a digital neutral platform is available to you for transmitting relevant information about a violation. If necessary, you can also upload files.

Incoming hints / reports via the platform are reviewed and processed by the internal reporting office:

Karin Scheller 
Phone: +49-6159-71-1986
Email: karin.scheller(at)fair-center.eu


Ilona Plehnert
Phone: +49-6159-71-2024
Email: i.plehnert(at)gsi.de

The neutral platform is available in German and English language for report submission. If you wish to submit an anonymous report, this is also possible – the platform allows for communication with you and clarification of potential questions even in this case.

You have two options with regard to the anonymity of a tip in the digital system:

  1. You disclose your identity. We will of course ensure that your report is treated confidentially throughout the entire process.
  2. You choose anonymity. Then nobody can identify you. In these cases, we can also use the secure mailbox to send you queries and information on the current status of your report.

Data will be captured, processed and stored in a data protection-compliant manner.

    For external reports under the Whistleblower Protection Act, an external reporting office at the Federal Office of Justice (German only) is also available. However, whistleblowers who wish to point out irregularities in the company should first contact the internal reporting office. Due to its proximity to the facts, an internal reporting office can usually work most effectively to remedy the violation.

    In connection with the issue of confidentiality, we would like to point out for the sake of completeness that in exceptional cases we may be obliged to disclose information to investigating authorities due to an official or court order or due to mandatory law.

    The whistleblower system must not be used for false accusations. Reporting false information knowingly is prohibited. Defamation such as libel and slander e.g. are punishable criminal offences following $ 186 StGB (German Penal Code).
