Group Magnet Electrical Systems (MES)
The SCM-MES group currently employs 11 people and temporarily one working student. It consists mainly of engineers with an electrical engineering background, but also physicists and technicians.
Main tasks are among others:
- Testing of electrical parameters and application support for the use of superconducting components at FAIR
- Performing electrical acceptance tests on FAIR superconducting series magnets and current leads in GSI's own magnet test facility as well as "quench training"
- Configuration, adaption and maintenance of electrical test equipment and magnet protection systems required for tests
- Quench calculations for magnets and systems
- Technical project coordination with external partners for electrical modelling and simulation of SIS100 superconducting circuits
- Development, realization and test of the "Quench Detection System" for FAIR including data acquisition and post-mortem analysis features
- Coordination and integration support of instrumentation for superconducting magnets
- Consultation on electrical design of superconducting current leads, busbar systems and joints
- Control cabinet design, installation and cable planning for integration of the instrumentation and protection system into the FAIR facility