- The Dual Use of Beam Loss Monitors at FAIR-SIS100: General Diagnostics and Quench Prevention of Superconducting Magnets
S. Damjanovic, P. Kowina, C. Omet, M. Sapinski, M. Schwickert, P. Spiller
Proceedings of IPAC (2016) Busan, Korea
- Demonstration of Flat Ion Beam Creation and Injection into a Synchrotron
L. Bozyk, S. Appel, L. Groening, Y. El Hayek, M.T. Maier, C. Xiao
Proceedings of IPAC (2015) Richmond, VA, USA
- SIS100 Dipole Field Harmonics and Dynamic Aperture Calculations
C. Omet, E. Fischer, G. Franchetti, V. Kornilov, A. Mierau, C. Roux, D. Schäfer, P. Schnizer, S. Sorge, P. Spiller, K. Sugita
Proceedings of IPAC (2015) Richmond, VA, USA
- Fast compression of intense heavy-ion bunches in SIS18
O. Chorniy, O. Boine-Frankenheim, P. Hülsmann, P. Spiller
Proceedings of ICFA HB (2010) Morschach, Switzerland
- High Intensity Benchmarking Studies in the SIS18 Synchrotron
G. Franchetti, I. Hofmann, W. Bayer, F. Becker, O. Chorniy, P. Forck, T. Giacomini, M. Kirk, T. Mohite, C. Omet, A. Parfenova, P. Schütt
Proceedings of PAC (2009) Vancouver, BC, Canada
- Intensity and bunch-shape dependent beam loss simulation for the SIS100
G. Franchetti, I. Hofmann, A. Orzhekhovskaya, P. Spiller
Proceedings of PAC (2005) Knoxville, Tennesse, USA
- Beam loss and longitudinal emittance growth in SIS
M. Kirk, I. Hofmann, O. Boine-Frankenheim, P. Spiller, P. Hülsmann, G. Franchetti, H. Damerau, H. Günter König, H. Klingbeil, M. Kumm, P. Schütt, A. Redelbach
Proceedings of ICFA HB (2004) Bensheim, Hessen, Germany
- Phase space growth during RF capture in the GSI heavy
ion synchrotron SIS18
M. Kirk, H. Damerau, I. Hofmann, O. Boine-Frankenheim, P. Spiller, P. Hülsmann
Laser and Particle Beams 21 (2003) 85-89
- Bunch compression in the heavy ion synchrotron SIS at GSI
P. Spiller, K. Blasche, O. Boine-Frankenheim, H. Eickhoff, M. Emmerling, B. Franczak, I. Hofmann, K. Kaspar, U. Ratzinger (---)