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Phase Calibration & Verification by 4:2:1 Bunch Merging in SIS18
Testing the Data Supply Control System with Bunch Merging in SIS18
16.08.2011 ;
Bunch Merging in SIS18-Fully Controlled by the Central Control System
30.06.201 ;
Reduktion der Strahlimpedanz durch Fast Feedback im SIS18 (German)
20.04.2011 ;
Beam Experiment Stationary Dual Harmonic Operation under High-Intensiy Conditions
13.12.2010 ;
Oline Phase Space Tomography of fast compressed bunch using new fast current transformer signal
18.03.2010 ;
Beam Experiment Dual Harmonic Operation with Acceleration
10.03.2010 ;
Longitudinal momentum spread and micro bunch filamentation
23.10.2009 ;
Dependence of the longitudinal beam distribution on multi-turn injection
04.08.2009 ;
Beam Experiments Concerning Damping of Longitudinal Quadrupole Oscillations in SIS12/18
24.10.2007 ;
First Beam Experiments Concerning Closed Loop Damping of Quadrupole Oscillations in SIS12/18
11.06.2007/28.08.2007 ;
Machine Development Experiment Concerning Excitation and Open Loop Damping of Longitudinal Quadrupole Oscillations in SIS12/18
Messungen zum 1-und 2-Kavitätenbetrieb: Gezielte Anregung von Quadrupolschwingungen (German)
16.-17.08.2006 ;
Measurements and Analysis of the Transverse Beam Transfer Function (BTF) at the SIS18 Synchrotron
24.10.2006 ;
Machine Development Experiments on Cavity Synchronization in the SIS12/18
07.-08.06.2005 ;
HF-Gymnastik mit zwei Harmonischen (German)
18.-19.12.2002 ;
Maschinenexperimente zur longitudinalen Emittanzentwicklung im SIS (German)
31.10.-01.11.2002 ;
Maschinenexperimente zum Hochfrequenzeinfang im SIS (German)
Maschinenexperimente zum longitudinalen Strahlverhalten während des Hochfrequenzeinfangs (German)
05.-06.06.2002 ;
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If you have any further questions or remarks, please send an email to P. Schwab