Industrial Controls (IND)
The group Industrial Controls (IND) is responsible for the development and operation of industrial automation solutions in the accelerator control system. Industrial automation components such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and corresponding IO modules are primarily used. The UNICOS framework developed by CERN, based on the industrial SCADA system WinCC-OA, is used as the control system (SCADA system).
The task spectrum of the working group includes the clarification of the control engineering tasks, the selection of industrial control components, the circuit development and control cabinet planning in close coordination with the EPK team (electrical planning), the development of drivers, the SCADA software and the creation of synoptic displays.
The working group cooperates closely with the cryogenics, vacuum technology and radiation protection departments.
Projects and Activities
Present main activities of the group are:
- Development of the cryogenic control system, i.e. liquification and distribution of liquid Helum (4 Kelvin) in the FAIR accelerator facility
- Development of the vacuum control systems for the accelerators and beam lines
- Development of PAS (Personnel Access System), a system to protect from the radiation hazards during the operation of the accelerators
- Support of other department activities in the integration of industrial systems in the central control system