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New EU Limits from 1st of January 2024


Umfangreiche Netzwerkarbeiten mit großflächigen Ausfällen am Wochenende 20./21. Januar 2024

New EU Limits from 1st of January 2024


Helmholtz Imaging Photo Competition 2024

New EU Limits from 1st of January 2024

Umfangreiche Netzwerkarbeiten mit großflächigen Ausfällen am Wochenende 20./21. Januar 2024

[ACC] Maintenance KW02


Kuier is on Christmas break

Canteen and coffee bar KW 51 and KW 1

Entering the GSI plant premises during the plant vacations


Reminder: Eduroam - Change of certificates

Christmas party

Helmholtz Imaging Photo Competition 2024

GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

New EU Limits from 1st of January 2024

Umfangreiche Netzwerkarbeiten mit großflächigen Ausfällen am Wochenende 20./21. Januar 2024

[ACC] Maintenance KW02


GSI and FAIR calendar for the year 2024

In Memoriam Peter Spädtke

Helmholtz Imaging Photo Competition 2024

Christmas party *participation *help *cakes *donations

Opening Hours Canteen 13.12.2023

GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

Reminder: Eduroam - Change of certificates

New EU Limits from 1st of January 2024

Canteen and coffee bar KW 51 and KW 1

Information: Welcome Day 2024

Entering the GSI plant premises during the plant vacations


Special Colloquium on the Occasion of Christoph Scheidenberger’s 60th Birthday

Works meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2023

Christmas party *participation *help *cakes *donations

GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

Entering the GSI plant premises during the plant vacations

Entrance admission for contractor employees exceeding 31.12.2023


From the Scientific-Technical Council on November 21nd, 2023

2erSet_Announcement road closure 28+29.11.2023

Christmas party *participation *help *cakes *donations

Works meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2023

GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

Entrance admission for contractor employees exceeding 31.12.2023

Verkaufstermin Köhlerküsse


GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

Christoph-Schmelzer-Award 2023

2erSet_Announcement road closure 28+29.11.2023

GSI Skigruppe hat frei Plätze


Sales of Advent Calendar

GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

2023 workshop of the Helmholtz program ‚From Matter to Materials and Life‘ (MML) within the Research Field ‚Matter‘

2erSet_Announcement road closure 28+29.11.2023

Missing roll tray

Christoph-Schmelzer-Award 2023

Invitation to GSI/FAIR Roadshow


Sales of Advent Calendar

GSI-FAIR Christmas Card 2023

Element darmstadtium celebrates its birthday – GSI/FAIR exhibition at Luisencenter Darmstadt

Memorial colloquium for Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Sigurd Hofmann in the GSI Lecture Hall

SPARC PhD Award 2023

SPARC Topical Workshop, 5th – 8th, Sept. 2023 on the Campus of the University of Edingburgh

RRB – New construction of rain retention basin

Inventor Warehouse 2023

Start of DFG Review Board Election 2023

New key issuing times from November 7, 2023


Start of DFG Review Board Election 2023

Eduroam - Change of certificates

RRB – New construction of rain retention basin

Inventor Warehouse 2023

New key issuing times from November 7, 2023

order deadline 2023


From the Scientific-Technical Council on October 17th, 2023

Works Meeting

New key issuing times from November 7, 2023

New service e-mail address for business trips (Travel)

order deadline 2023


Works Meeting on 17.10.2023

Nachruf Hans-Peter Kurz

order deadline 2023

Removal of cutlery from the canteen

Upgrade of remaining Linux desktops with Debian 8 "Jessie"

New service e-mail address for business trips (Travel)

Health campaign: Digital sleep radar

Bicycle tubes



Obituary Christian Schiebel (MB)

order deadline 2023

Works Meeting on 17.10.2023

Entdecken #ErasmusDays @FAIR/GSI

New service e-mail address for business trips (Travel)

Bicycle tubes

New course "Mindfulness-based Resilience": Introductory workshop and 4-week "Sprint"

Exercise and relaxation offers

Health campaign: Digital sleep radar

Invitation to GSI/FAIR Roadshow


order deadline 2023

New course "Mindfulness-based Resilience": Introductory workshop and 4-week "Sprint"

Works Meeting on 17.10.2023

From the Scientific-Technical Council on September 19th, 2023


Price adjustments Dussmann

Area plans for cleaning

Old bikes at the GSI

Guided Tour for employees


Welcome of our new apprentices

Excursions of the Justus Liebig University Giessen to the GSI

Area plans for cleaning

Welcome Office - early closing on September 13th

SE refurbishment_start of construction vMII 2erSet (C38+C39)

Old bikes at the GSI

Company sport: New introductory course - Aikido

Invitation to GSI/FAIR Roadshow


Timetable change Darmstadt region

Staff Outing / Main Warehouse

Introduction of new Engineering Support Queues

Old bikes at the GSI

Vacuum pump for free!


Timetable change Darmstadt region

Staff Outing / Main Warehouse

Old bikes at the GSI

Participate: Planting wildflower meadows on our campus!


Conference room SE.1.170

Cleaning work at SB3 on 04.08.23

Announcement: Removal of the cable bridge at the gate 04.08.23


General safety instruction

Relocation of the IT-Helpdesk and IT workshop

Key SB and KBW lecture hall


From the Scientific-Technical Council on July 11th, 2023

Acceleration of Heavy Ion Beams

Invitation to GSI/FAIR Roadshow

Renovation SB3 - IT training room closed until further notice


Acceleration of Heavy Ion Beams

Station visits for employees, Friday 7/14-23

GSI/FAIR Open Science Workshop 2023

Renovation SB3 - IT training room closed until further notice

Announcement: Road closure at the intersection of southern Planckstraße and BE 01 (Area of pipe bridge) on 14.07.23 6:00 a.m. to 15.07.23 6:00 a.m.


Station visits for employees, Friday 7/14-23

From the Scientific-Technical Council on June 27th, 2023

Einführung Hinweisegebersystem

Optimizations in the creation of shopping carts

Renovation SB3 - IT training room closed until further notice

Canteens crockery and cutlery

GSI/FAIR Open Science Workshop 2023


Internal information website regarding the Open House

Works Meeting on 29.06.2023

Optimizations in the creation of shopping carts

Einführung Hinweisegebersystem

Information to the usage of electronic GSI campus licenses (e.g. e-journals & reference databases)

Goods dispatch

Renovation SB3 - IT training room closed until further notice

GSI/FAIR Open Science Workshop 2023


Artist-in-Science-Residence: Welcome of the artist Violeta López López

Works Meeting on 29.06.2023

Changes in the CIT Department: New group IT-Services

DKMS registration campaign at GSI on June 21, 2023, support for stem cell donations

Einladung zur GSI/FAIR Roadshow


Works Meeting on 29.06.2023

Helmholtz Linear ACcelerator-Kryomodul I zur GSI geliefert

maintenance work on the online instruction system INSTRUCT

Purchase from the main warehouse for employees


Kurier: Changed editorial deadline

Works Meeting on 29.06.2023


Purchase from the main warehouse for employees

maintenance work on the online instruction system INSTRUCT


Kurier: Changed editorial deadline

Nachruf auf Helge-Rolf Kiesewetter

Updated GSI / FAIR Guest Registration

Invitation to HEPTrepreneurs Episode 12

KBW lecture hall and side room


Open House 2023: Volunteers wanted!

Maintenance work in Citrix



Open House 2023: Volunteers wanted!

20th TASCA workshop held at GSI and online

Information about Construction Work SB1.2.225a

Maintenance work in Citrix


Kurier: Changed editorial deadline

From the Scientific-Technical Council on May 2nd, 2023

GSI-FAIR Scientific Report 2022

BVW - Operational Improvement Suggestion System

Einladung zur GSI/FAIR Roadshow

Information about Construction Work SB1.2.225a

[ACC] Maintenance KW19




Information about Construction Work SB1.2.225a

Maintenance work in Citrix

[ACC] Maintenance KW19


Update SAP Project March - 2023


GSI Open Science Webpage


Nachruf Helmut-Adolf Folger

Kurier: Changed editorial deadline


Nachruf Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kraft

retroactive pay run due to legal changes in the Annual Tax Act

From the Scientific-Technical Council on March 21st, 2023

Maintenance phone-system

Information: Ongoing renovation work on KBW-Level 1

Goods receipt for FAIR components at the warehouse Weiterstadt

Change of the goods receiving department

Info: Change at the Social Councelling Service


NUSTAR Annual Meeting 2023

International Women’s Day and GSI/FAIR women’s assembly on March 8th, 2023

Info: Change at the Social Councelling Service

New service e-mail addresses

Announcement: Start of renovation work after KBW water damage E1 from Monday, 13.03.2023

Lettering for the rooms

Change of the goods receiving department

Goods receipt for FAIR components at the warehouse Weiterstadt

Invitation to GSI/FAIR Roadshow


Announcement: Start of renovation work after KBW water damage E1 from Monday, 13.03.2023

Advance notice of closure of the passage between KBW and EZ on 16.03.23

Bicycle passage at the KBW back in operation

New procedure “Data Protection”

Python Developer Farm under Citrix

Online workshops "Everyday methods for mental health and healthy coping with crises and challenges"

Change of the goods receiving department


Invitation to the GSI/FAIR women’s assembly and celebration of the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023

Social Media Guidelines updated

Announcement: Start of renovation work after KBW water damage E1 from Monday, 13.03.2023

Advance notice of closure of the passage between KBW and EZ on 16.03.23

Change of the goods receiving department

Online workshops "Everyday methods for mental health and healthy coping with crises and challenges"


Special Colloquium: FAIR-GENCO Award 2023

Works Council on 6.3.2023 - Hybrid event

Invitation to the GSI/FAIR women’s assembly and celebration of the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023

Social Media Guidelines updated

From the Scientific-Technical Council on February 21st, 2023

Change of the goods receiving department

Balance Check - How relaxed are you?

10. Darmstädter Firmenlauf


Works Council on 6.3.2023 - Hybrid event

Election of the Board of Equal Opportunities @ GSI/FAIR

Invitation to the GSI/FAIR women’s assembly and celebration of the International Women’s Day on March 8, 2023

EURIZON Jahrestagung

Information on the status of the SAP Project

Announcement: Full closure of Prinzenschneise 25.02.23 between Planckstrasse and Gate North FAIR

Blocking corridor BR2 E2 in front of staircase BR2

Balance Check - How relaxed are you?


Bicycle passage at KBW out of operation

10. Darmstädter Firmenlauf


Election of the Board of Equal Opportunities @ GSI/FAIR

Works Council on 6.3.2023 - Hybrid event

Online-Lecture: "Winning starts inside your head - and so does losing" - 14.02.2023

Invitation to GSI/FAIR Roadshow

Lift maintenance at KBW

QA Sessions ARIBA / easyBANF

Bicycle passage at KBW out of operation


Election of the Board of Equal Opportunities @ GSI/FAIR

Girls'Day 2023

QA Sessions ARIBA / easyBANF

Online-Lecture: "Winning starts inside your head - and so does losing" - 14.02.2023

Bicycle passage at KBW out of operation

Lift maintenance at KBW


Verkaufstermin Köhlerküsse


Girls'Day 2023

QA Sessions ARIBA / easyBANF

Bicycle passage at KBW out of operation

Online Course: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

water damage KBW lecture hall

Registration of external companies and visitors at the gate

GSI/FAIR Roadshow EXTRA – Sweden @ FAIR 2023


Girls'Day 2023

From the Scientific-Technical Council on January 17th, 2023

From the GSI Innovation Board - Review of the Year 2022

Online Course: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

Update Signature rules FAIR

Registration of external companies and visitors at the gate

Commuter parking spaces


From the Scientific-Technical Council on December 20th, 2022

SCOAP3 open access books in particle physics and neighboring fields


Christoph-Schmelzer-Award 2023


Christoph-Schmelzer-Award 2023


Invitation to HEPTrepreneurs Episode 12


Jutta Leroudier | Phone: 2634 | Email:

Editorial deadline: Thursdays 12 p.m.
Web interface for submitting contributions:

If you have any comments or suggestions about this page, please contact

GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH

Planckstr. 1 | 64291 Darmstadt | Telefon: +49-6159-71- 0
