Linux & Web
The group “Linux & Web” operates all kinds of linux systems, provides elementary IT services like DNS and DHCP and supports other departments and groups with system installations on VMs or on bare metal.
Furthermore the group maintains a varied collection of collaboration and web services:
- the GSI web site (www.gsi.de)
- Indico, a tool to organise conferences and meetings (indico.gsi.de)
- the Invenio-based GSI Repository, which contains the publication database and the library system of GSI (repository.gsi.de)
- Seafile, a cloud storage for sharing and synchronising files (sf.gsi.de)
- GitLab, a collaboration platform for file versioning based on git (git.gsi.de)
- various wiki instances, for collaborative documentation maintenance (e.g. wiki.gsi.de)
- etc.
Moreover the group develops web applications, such as Kurier and IT-Portal or extends the GSI web site with self-developed Typo3 extensions.
You can find instructions and documentation for various topics in the service catalogue and our wiki.
If you have any questions, problems or suggestions, please contact our team via the following service addresses:
- Indico (Join2)
- Invenio
- IT-Portal
- IT-Redaktion, editorial office (AIT)
- Linux
- Miscellaneous
- Typo3, GSI homepage
- Web, general web topics