TK-Charge Separator

In the transfer line to the SIS 18 a suitable foil stripper is already employed for high SIS-output energies. However, the present way of charge state separation with a single 11 dipole magnet after a 25 m beam transport section is not adequate to meet the FAIR requirements: it allows for charge state separation of low intensity and low emittance beams only. For high intensities the operation with the current system leads to an unacceptable emittance growth and significant transmission loss at the separation slits mainly caused by the low resolution capability of 1.5%. With a newly designed compact charge state separator system the length of the space charge dominated beam transport section will be reduced to 1 m. The resolution is expected to be better than 1%. This will lead to less emittance growth and a gain of the particle numbers inside the SIS-acceptance of up to 20%. (Commissioned in 2008)
