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LINAC 2006

Computer simulations of a high current proton beam at the SILHI-LEBT

For the injection into the future proton LINAC for FAIR the ion source and the low energy beam transport system have to deliver a 100 mA proton beam with an energy of 95 keV at the entrance of the RFQ within an acceptance of 0.3 π mm mrad (norm., rms). A 2-solenoid focussing system is foreseen as an injection scheme into the rf-accelerator. The beam parameters of the SILHI ion source and the 2-solenoid low energy beam transport (LEBT) setup at CEA/Saclay fulfill these requirements. Therefore joint emittance measurements for various beam parameters have been performed at the end of the LEBT in 2005. This contribution presents the computer simulations of the ion source extraction and LEBT, which
supplemented these measurements using the KOBRA3-INP computer code in order to study the influence of space charge effects. These simulations have been performed for different solenoid settings and for different space charge compensation degrees. more...

Author: M. Galonska et al.

High current proton beam investigations at the SILHI-LEBT at CEA/SACLAY

The future proton LINAC at GSI for FAIR requires that the ion source and the low energy beam transport system deliver a 100 mA proton beam with an energy of 95 keV within an acceptance of 0.3 π mm mrad (normalized, rms) at the entrance of the RFQ. Between the ion source and the RFQ a 2-solenoid focussing system is foreseen. The beam parameters of the present SILHI ion source (Source d´Ions Légères a Haute Intensités) and its 2-solenoid LEBT setup at CEA/Saclay generally meet these requirements. This represents a unique possibility to investigate the injection of a high current proton beam into a low energy beam transport system under the influence of space charge with conditions similar to those required in the future at GSI. Therefore, measurements on various beam parameters have been performed at the end of the SILHI LEBT system by a CEA/IAP/GSI collaboration. Results of these measurements reveal that a proton current of 100 mA can be achieved but the emittance is as high as 0.4-0.5 π mm mrad (95 %, normalized, rms). more...

Author: R. Hollinger et al.
