Thomas Sieber Research and Development Phone: +49-6159-71-1608 Room: SB2 2.232 Email: Thomas Sieber Main Fields of Activity: Beam Diagnostics for FAIR Proton Linac, focus on BPMs and electronic measurement
Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the FAIR GmbH are delighted to announce that Prof. Dr. Thomas Nilsson, vice chair of the Joint Scientific Council FAIR/GSI and head of the physics department at [...] Technology, has been appointed a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. In addition to Thomas Nilsson, the prestigious academy, which is responsible for selecting Nobel Prize winners in physics [...] physics, chemistry and economics, has appointed four other new scientists. The appointment of Thomas Nilsson as a member of the class for physics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is an outstanding
Thomas Stöhlker, head of the research division for Atomic, Quantum and Fundamental Physics at GSI/FAIR, Director of the Helmholtz Institute Jena and Professor at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena [...] HITHOR — “Highly Ionized Trapped 229-Thorium: A New Paradigm Towards a Nuclear Clock” — Professor Thomas Stöhlker receives a million-euro grant. In this way, the European Research Council supports Stöhlker’s [...] was submitted jointly by GSI and the Helmholtz Institute Jena, a GSI branch, under the direction of Thomas Stöhlker, and entitles the applicant to a maximum of 2.5 million euros in funding over a period of
members and some other details are visible only for "logged-in" users Head of the department Prof. Dr. Thomas Stöhlker Telefon +49 6159 / 71 -2722 Telefax +49 6159 / 71 -3722 t.stoehlker(at) KBW 3.31 GSI
Name E-Mail Telefon Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann +49-6159-71-2887 Dr. Konstanze Boretzky Dr. Konstanze Boretzky +49-6159-71-2668 Thomas Hackler Thomas Hackler +49-6159-71-2668 Dr. Michael
Gumberidze Yuri Litvinov Thomas Stöhlker Plasma Physics Rudolf Bock Thomas Kühl Paul Neumayer Olga Rosmej Thomas Stöhlker Neutron Matter Hans Feldmeier Michael Heil Karlheinz Langanke Thomas Neff Deniz Savran [...] Typel Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany Lukas Arnold Paul Gibbon Thomas Lippert Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany Almudena Arcones Thomas Aumann Jens Braun Michael Buballa Tetyana Galatyuk Hans-Werner [...] Selim Jochim Markus Oberthaler Matthias Weidemüller Theoretical Physics Jürgen Berges Carlo Ewerz Thomas Gasenzer Jan Pawlowski Hans Jürgen Pirner Manfred Salmhofer Christof Wetterich Georg Wolschin Universität
Bussmann From GSI Lars Bozyk, Sebastian Klammes, Thomas Kühl a , Wilfried Nörtershäuser a,b , Niels Pyka, Rodolfo Sanchez, Peter Spiller, Markus Steck, Thomas Stöhlker, Danyal Winters ( a also Mainz University [...] TU-Darmstadt Gerhard Birkl, Jens Gumm, Daniel Kiefer, Benedikt Langfeld, Wilfried Nörtershäuser, Thomas Walther From WWU Münster Axel Buß, Volker Hannen, Ken Ueberholz, Christian Weinheimer From IMP-CAS
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m. Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins Frankfurt Erwin Schwab, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information