Thomas Sieber

Research and Development

Phone: +49-6159-71-1608

Room: SB2 2.232

Email: Thomas Sieber

Main Fields of Activity:


  • Beam Diagnostics for FAIR Proton Linac, focus on BPMs and electronic measurement equipment
  • Highly-sensitive beam intensity measurements using SQUID CCC systems, development and test
  • Recommissioning and optimization of Cryring Front End beam diagnostics
  • Development and test of non-destructive bunch shape monitors
  • Supervision of PhD thesis in the R&D group
  • Supervision of the LOBI test benches (HTP and X2)


Other fields of  interest:

Linacs, RFQs, Cavity-Design, Cryogenics, UHV, Storage Rings, Accelerator Operation
