UNILAC) for applications of high and low energy heavy ion beams in materials research and modification (e. g. a heavy-ion microprobe, a diamond anvil cell for irradiating samples under high pressure, diagnostic [...] diagnostic tools like raster tunnel and raster scanning microscopy, etc.). Multipurpose/Test Stations, e.g. for tests of electronic components, or of detectors built for particle/nuclear physics and also for [...] Selection Panel usually meets in combination with a meeting of the G-PAC or decisions are made via e-mail circulation. The spokesperson of an eligible users group submits an application for funding under
UNILAC) for applications of high and low energy heavy ion beams in materials research and modification (e. g. a heavy-ion microprobe, a diamond anvil cell for irradiating samples under high pressure, diagnostic [...] diagnostic tools like raster tunnel and raster scanning microscopy, etc.). Multipurpose/Test Stations, e.g. for tests of electronic components, or of detectors built for particle/nuclear physics and also for [...] informed of all the publications referred to above by sending the references to Christine Hornung by e-mail ( c.hornung (at) gsi.de ) or via the upload link . Each spokesperson of a user group supported under
Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen e.V. Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt Tel. 06159 / 71-21 39 Internet: www.gsi.de/verein_tumortherapie Association Dr. Hartmut Eickhoff (Chairman), E-Mail: hbeickhoff(at)t-online.de [...] Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions e.V. Purpose of the Association In 1997 the pilot project for heavy ion therapy was started at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 655 , 44-46 ( 2011 ). Toward large-area targets for "TRAKULA" A. Vascon, Ch.E. Düllmann, K. Eberhardt, B. Kindler, B. Lommel, J. Runke; Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A 655 , 126-130 ( 2011 [...] Vol. NS-30 , No.2 1569-1572 ( 1983 ). If you have any further questions or remarks, please send an e-mail to B.Kindler .
documentation on the various topics on our website . You can also open a ticket in our ticket system via e-mail: Data Center Green IT Cube Innovative and energy-efficient: The "Green IT Cube" in the form of a
GmbH Dr. Arjan Vink Leiter Drittmittelstelle Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt Telefon: 06159-71-2848 E-Mail: meetascientist(at)gsi.de Das Projekt wird freundlicherweise von dem Hessisches Ministerium für [...] geht. Möchte ich studieren und vielleicht als Wissenschaftler*in arbeiten? Wenn so, was treibt ein/e Wissenschaftler*in so rum im Alltag? Wie wird man Wissenschaftler*in? Was für wissenschaftliche Themen
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m. Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins Frankfurt Erwin Schwab, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information