Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions e.V.


Purpose of the Association

In 1997 the pilot project for heavy ion therapy was started at the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research in cooperation with the DKFZ (German cancer research center), the university clinics in Heidelberg and the Research-Center Dresden-Rossendorf, .With the development of the innovative raster scan technology, the construction and operation of an irradiation facility and the following successful treatment of 440 patients with carbon ions in the years 1997 to 2008, GSI laid the foundations for high-performance particle therapy systems all over the world.

The association is closely linked to GSI und supports activities for the research in the field of "Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions" .The major aims are further improvements of the tumor treatment and awarding these in the framework of the Christoph-Schmelzer-Award. The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes.

Statue of Association (in german)

Declaration of membership form

Aims of the Support

  • Physics and radiation biology research necessary for radiotherapy with charged particles,
  • further development of tumor-conformal irradiation facilities,
  • further development and improvement of the raster scan method,
  • scientific events, publications and information on the topic of ion therapy,
  • Promotion of young scientists

        Guidelines for funding

        Application of funding

Brochures and Flyer


Address            Verein zur Förderung der Tumortherapie mit schweren Ionen e.V.
                          Planckstraße 1
                          64291 Darmstadt
                          Tel. 06159 / 71-21 39

Association     Prof. Dr. Klemens Zink (Chairman), ) E-mail: klemens.zink(at)
Board               Prof. Dr. Uli Weber (Deputy)
                         Dr. Michael Scholz (Secretary)
                         Ina Mildner (Treasurerr) 

Bank details:    Sparkasse Darmstadt
                          IBAN  DE78 5085 0150 0000 7456 42
                          BIC    HELADEF1 DAS             
