Christoph-Schmelzer-Summer-School: Ion Beams for Opening the Therapeutic Window
July 24 - 28, 2023 in Scheinfeld
Due to its special physical and biological properties, ion beams are particularly suitable for high precision irradiation of tumors as part of a radiotherapeutic treatment of cancer patients. Starting with the physical and radiobiological basics up to the current research focus, all modern aspects of particle therapy will be elaborated in the summer school. We will also look beyond and embed the presentations and discussions in the general frame work of state of the art radiotherapy approaches. The summer school is aimed at interested and dedicated Master and PhD students in Physics, Medical Physics and Radiation Biology.
Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions e.V.
Scientific direction
PD Dr. Michael Scholz, Dr. Ulrich Weber, Prof. Dr. Klemens Zink
Association for the Promotion of Tumor Therapy with Heavy Ions e.V.
Planckstr. 1
64291 Darmstadt
Prof. Dr. Klemens Zink
Telefon: 06421 58 66006
E-Mail: klemens.zink(at)