The FAIR news are kindly hosted by GSI.

Photo: G. Otto/GSI
It is an important step: Half of over 100 superconducting dipole magnets required for the large FAIR accelerator ring SIS100 have been successfully tested. The measurement results of the tests carried out in the Series Test Facility (STF) at GSI: The tested magnets have excellent properties throughout which indicates a high production quality. This decisive moment – the testing of the 55th magnet- was honoured with a ceremony on GSI and FAIR campus.

Photo: K. Füssel / GSI
Team GSI has achieved a great success in this year’s city cycling campaign and has reached first place in the team ranking. A total mileage of 35,049 kilometers was covered. A total of 142 employees from GSI, FAIR and externals took part in city cycling as team GSI. The kilometers travelled avoided the emission of 4.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Second and third places were taken by "Merck fährt Rad" (32,057 kilometers) and the Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences (13,190 kilometers).

Photo: ESA/ Petr Shlyaev
They are the first participants in a new high-quality offer for international young scientists: Currently 15 young researchers from eight countries come together for the first time during the "ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School" to work intensively on the topic of cosmic radiation.

Photo: G. Otto / GSI
GSI Management awarded Dr. Rahul Singh of the GSI Beam Instrumentation department a certificate for significant technical improvement to optimize beam properties for physics experiments. Together with an expert team (comprising of Dr. Peter Forck from beam instrumentation, Dr. Stefan Sorge from the Accelerator Physics department and Dr. Andrzei Stafiniak of the Electric Power Systems department) Dr. Singh carried out very successful development works to improve the slow extraction from SIS18.…

Photo: G. Otto/GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH
On September 9, 2019, GSI and FAIR hosted a workshop to discuss the results of the previous experiments in the FAIR Phase-0 beam time that took place from February until April of 2019 and to plan the future experiments in 2020. Over 30 investigators from Germany, Italy, Belgium, Czech Republic and Romania attended the workshop and presented the results of the experiments, covering cancer risk, central nervous system damage, alterations in heart rhythm, shielding and effects of radiation on…

Photo: Lars von der Wense, LMU München
Physicists have measured the energy associated with the decay of a metastable state of the thorium-229 nucleus. This is a significant step on the way to a nuclear clock which will be far more precise than the best of today’s atomic timekeepers.

Photo: J. Leroudier/GSI
Many interesting facts about the discovery of chemical elements and the physics at particle accelerators were presented by GSI and FAIR during the event “Tag der Vereine” at the Darmstadtium Science and Congress Center. Numerous visitors came to the GSI stand and took the opportunity to gain insights into current research and the outstanding opportunities at the future FAIR accelerator center, which is currently being built at GSI.

Photo: G. Otto / GSI
The TIARA Collaboration Council met on the GSI and FAIR campus recently. Representatives of the most important European accelerator laboratories and institutions participated. They came from eleven institutions from eight different countries.

Photo: ECIL
Highest quality for research is the principle at the future FAIR accelerator center. The sophisticated beam transport, which is guided by the magnetic fields produced by electromagnets weighing several tons, is one of the main contributions to this. To supply them with power, ultra-stable high power converters are needed. These high-tech components come from India and are an important contribution to the FAIR project.
