The FAIR news are kindly hosted by GSI.

GSI and FAIR invite to Open House
How are the building blocks of our life created? What weapons can help humanity in the fight against cancer? What are planets composed of in their innermost core? What is currently happening on the construction site for one of the world's largest research projects? Answers to these and many other exciting questions can be found at the Open House, to which the GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung and the future accelerator center FAIR invite on Saturday, 15 July 2023, from 10 a.m. to 4…

Group photo with all participants at the Satellite event in Egelsbach.
The two days France@FAIR event emphasized international collaboration in research and innovation, with insights shared on the FAIR mega science project and current opportunities. The successful event included a tour of the civil construction site, presentations by directors, and a satellite event attended by passionate scientists and French companies.

Starting point of the PHELIX laser at GSI/FAIR
The THRILL (Technology for High-Repetition-rate Intense Laser Laboratories) project received more than ten million euro of funding in the framework of the European Union’s HORIZON EUROPE program. The project aims at providing new designs and high-performance components for high-energy high-repetition-rate lasers, enabling the technical readiness level required to specify and build the needed devices. This work improves the performance, the energy efficiency and reliability in operation of such…

The digital twin of DC Smarter will be used in the high-performance cumpting center Green IT Cube in the future.
DC Smarter and GSI concluded a future-oriented cooperation agreement: The German IT company is the first industrial partner to move into the Digital Open Lab at the high-performance computing center Green IT Cube of GSI/FAIR, where it will make its DC Vision® solution available. By combining a digital twin with augmented reality, the software optimizes key data center tasks such as remote hands services, documentation management and visual inspections.

Group photo of the Girls'Day participants
[Translate to English:] Einen neuen Teilnahmerekord konnten GSI/FAIR im Jahr 2023 beim bundesweiten Aktionstag Girls’Day verzeichnen. Insgesamt nahmen 68 Mädchen im Alter zwischen elf und 15 Jahren an der Veranstaltung teil und informierten sich über die Beschleunigeranlagen und Experimente, über die Forschung und die Infrastruktur sowie insbesondere über das Berufsangebot bei GSI und FAIR. Das sind mehr als bei jeder anderen Girls’Day-Veranstaltung zuvor, die in Präsenz auf dem Campus…

Simulation of liver treatment produced with software MatRad.
On site at GSI/FAIR, 24 interested high-school students were given the opportunity to learn more about tumor therapy with ion beams during a Masterclass in March. The event was hosted by scientists of the Biophysics research department at GSI/FAIR. All Particle Therapy Masterclasses (PTMCs) are coordinated by GSI/FAIR in the framework of the International Masterclasses of the IPPOG (International Particle Physics Outreach Group), of which GSI is an associate member.

The workshop participants
Increasing the safety of astronauts in space and advancing modern research for the benefit of mankind: These goals are the focus of the successful cooperation between the European Space Agency ESA and GSI/FAIR in several research projects. GSI/FAIR is the European facility selected by ESA to study cosmic radiation and its effects on humans, electronics and materials. This includes the research program for "Investigations into Biological and Physical Effects of Radiation (IBPER)", which is…

Group photo together with Indian students, researchers and employees of FAIR.
High-ranking visit on the FAIR/GSI campus in Darmstadt: The Indian Ambassador, H.E. Harish Parvathaneni, was recently a guest at FAIR/GSI. Together with the India Consul General Dr. Amit S Telang from Frankfurt and Science Attaché Dr. Madhusudan Nandineni from Berlin, he informed himself about the progress and perspectives of research at GSI and FAIR and took the opportunity to meet Indian students, researchers and scientists on site...

Participants of the European Cryogenics Days 2023
On two days in March, the European Cryogenics Days (ECD) took place at the GSI/FAIR campus in Darmstadt. The international conference focuses on all topics related to cryogenics, from giant cryogenics applications such as the superconducting FAIR accelerator to hydrogen mobility and lowest temperatures on the tiny scales of cells. Co-hosted by the Cryogenics Society of Europe, the ECDs have been held regularly at various research institutions in Europe since 2015.
