mer/index.html TU-Darmstadt: Prof. Gerhard Birkl (IAP): Prof. Thomas Walther (IAP): Prof. Wilfried Nörtershäuser (IKP): http://www
13:00 Seminarraum Theorie Mechanisms of joint destruction in rheumatoid arthritis Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Pap, Institut für Experimentelle Muskuloskelettale Medizin (IEMM), Universitätsklinikum Münster 07 [...] 15:00 Seminarraum Theorie RBE of charged particles and ultrasoft X-rays: Clustering of SSB and DSB Thomas Friedrich, GSI 25.04.2013 15:00 Seminarraum Theorie Toward an experimental validation of LEM mechanistic
Frank E. (LANL); Shestov, Lev (TUD); Varentsov, Dmitry (GSI); Durante, Marco (GSI). 14.08.2013 Dr. Thomas Friedrich will be honored for his outstanding achievements in the field of radiation biology research
October 16 th 9:00 Welcome Reinhold Schuch Univ. Stockholm 9:05 New Developments for SPARC @ FAIR Thomas Stöhlker HI-Jena, Univ. Jena 9:25 Status of SPARC @ HESR Yuri Litvinov GSI Darmstadt 9:45 Status [...] Workshop Dinner *to be confirmed Friday, October 17 th 9:00 BMBF last and upcoming funding period Thomas Stöhlker GSI-Darmstadt 9:30 Presentations: Micro-Calorimeters, Targets, Spectrometers, Detectors
02.2014 15:00 Theorieseminarraum | Simulation of high LET effects with focused low LET radiation Thomas Friedrich, GSI 27.02.2014 15:00 Theorieseminarraum | Treatment planning studies for non-invasive [...] Teilchenspur zum Strahlenschaden: Biophysikalische Modellierung der Wirkung ionisierender Strahlung Thomas Friedrich, GSI 17.07.2014 15:00 Theorieseminarraum | New estimates of radiation risk for the Mars
Emphasis on single track effects (Advances in Space Research 50 (2012) 584–597). 25.06.2014 Dr. Thomas Friedrich has been elected as Vice Chair for the Scholars-in-Training committee from the Radiation [...] at 4 p.m. on H_DA, Building E20, lecture hall H7 (Hochschulstraße 2; 64289 Darmstadt). 10.06.2014 Thomas Friedrich has been selected to receive a Scholars-in-Training (SIT) Travel Award to the Radiation
Name E-Mail Telefon Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann Prof. Dr. Thomas Aumann +49-6159-71-2887 Dr. Konstanze Boretzky Dr. Konstanze Boretzky +49-6159-71-2668 Thomas Hackler Thomas Hackler +49-6159-71-2668 Dr. Michael
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m. Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins Frankfurt Erwin Schwab, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information