received the best poster award of the Euroschool on Exotic Beams 2018 held in Leuven from August 26 to Sep 1, 2018. The poster has the title: Performance and testing of ultra high vacuum compatible silicon strip
Schottky signals deliver information on general properties of the particle beam such as momentum spread [1] and can even be used to observe stability of other elements in the storage ring such as the electron [...] newly installed CRYRING facility at GSI. References / Selected Publications # Title Author Reference 1 Schottky signals for longitudinal and transverse bunched-beam diagnostics F. Caspers CERN-2009-005.407
for isochronous mass measurements at the CSRe W. Zhang et. al. Nucl. Instrum. Meth A V756 (2014) pp 1-5 2014 A survey of Coulomb displacement energies and questions on the anomalous behavior in the upper
the reaction network and to explain the stellar production yields in different explosive scenarios [1]. Most of the key reactions involve radioactive nuclei [2] and can be studied solely in inverse kinematics [...] be ready for first experiments in 2018. References / Selected Publications # Title Author Reference 1 The production of proton-rich isotopes beyond iron: The γ-process in stars Marco Pignatari et. al. Int
gases helium and hydrogen at unprecedented area densities up to values of 10 14 cm -2 was demonstrated [1]. In the course of these optimization efforts, a remarkably versatile target source was established [...] vacuum requirements while enabling the operation of the target beam at an interaction length down to 1 mm. This is of paramount importance with respect to the realization of high precision experiments, e [...] the storage rings of the FAIR facility. References / Selected Publications # Title Author Reference 1 Low-Z internal target from a cryogenically cooled liquid microjet source M. Kühnel et. al. Nucl. Instr
therefore allowed dipole electric (E1) transitions in lithium-like ions will become into reach. For example, at the maximum energy of the HESR ( ß=0.982 ) the D1 ( 2s 1/2 – 2p 1/2 ) transition in lithium-like [...] decades laser spectroscopy of forbidden hyperfine (M1) transitions of the ground state hyperfine structure in hydrogen-like ions was successfully carried [1] [2] . In 2011 we finally succeeded to measure directly [...] well as detector and DAQ developments. References / Selected Publications # Title Author Reference 1 Precision Laser Spectroscopy of the Ground State Hyperfine Splitting of Hydrogenlike 209 Bi 82+ I. Klaft
Phone Association Ahmed Ali HB 1.001 a.ali(at) +49 (0)6159-71-2762 PANDA Yannic Wolf HB 1.001 y.wolf(at) +49 (0)6159-71-2556 PANDA Mathilde Himmelreich HB 1.001 m.himmelreich(at) +49 [...] boehm(at) +49 (0)6159-71-2335 PANDA Dr. Klaus Götzen HB 1.001 k.goetzen(at) +49 (0)6159-71-1630 PANDA Dr. Ralf Kliemt HB 1.001 r.kliemt(at) +49 (0)6159-71-1630 PANDA/HIM Dr. Udo Kurilla [...] .de +49 (0)6159-71-1423 PANDA Dr. Frank Nerling HB 1.001 f.nerling(at) +49 (0)6159-71-2895 PANDA/GU Frankfurt a.M. Prof. Dr. Herbert Orth HB 1.001 h.orth(at) +49 (0)6159-71-2541 PANDA/HIM Dr
Schröder, GSI Darmstadt 28.01.2016 14:00 Theorieseminarraum Our lab has two major research interests: 1) Neural stem cells and brain tumors and 2) Rett syndrome and iPS cells Dr. Prof. Dr. med. Ulrike A.
Wed, September 18, 2024 | 2 p.m. Kleinplaneten-Entdeckungen des Physikalischen Vereins Frankfurt Erwin Schwab, GSI/FAIR Registration and further information